That Voice Inside Your Head!

There is a weird voice inside you that you are using right now to read this text. This voice is calm, and comes despite a sealed mouth. Wow, this voice is so loud and clear, yet nobody can hear it except you. You cannot stop not speaking inside your head. As if there’s another person trapped inside of you, who has this habit of chattering or this person has to be simply the most curious of all.

Where does this voice come from? Like a commentator who does not play but instead makes comments, this voice is simply commenting about you, about everyone it sees, and makes you think harder. Well, is this your great-great-grand parent who is just obsessed with making your life better? Or is this simply you?

You are so used to this inner voice, you never feel lonely. Even if you are doing nothing, this voice does not rest. It keeps on making a conversation and keeps you engaged every time and you do not even notice that because you are completely used to it. The good thing is – the voice’s and your sleeping time always coincides.

Whatever it be, it keeps you in right track unless you let it overrule you. It never lets you be bored, and you feel you are enough for yourself because you are never alone. Have you ever noticed when does this inner voice become helpful and when does it become an irksome?

Whenever you are doing some kind of work, like playing a videogame, or running a marathon, this voice is guiding you. It lets you concentrate, and binds you with what’s happening. But suddenly when you remember there’s a paper you need to work on, the voice asks you to play one last match in the video game. Or, when you are almost about to finish the marathon, it says it cannot run anymore, and you should probably stop.

Even if the voice inside your head is of your great-great grand parent, and the voice is trying to make you a better person, sometimes, your inner voice does not know your strength. When you feel like the inner voice is taking you off track, you need to overrule it instead of letting it overrule you.

When you keep on listening to your inner voice, you stop working. You become so used to it, there’s a term ‘over-thinking’ that’s what happens to you. Well, thinking is good, but over thinking leads to misery. This is the starting phase when you will require pills to simply make that inner voice inside of you to STOP.

Let’s talk about me. When I was doing a bungee jump, for three seconds, right after the fall, my inner voice disappeared. Yep, that was for the first time it happened. It was a weird experience, but that 3 seconds were simply cool. I do not mean that inner voices are dangerous. Everyone has it. Some might have a dominant one, while others might have a submissive one.

You consume weed, or take some kind of drugs, or simply alcohol. This diverts the inner voice inside of you. You feel consuming these have made you overrule your inner voice. You try meditation, do yoga, and find your inner voice focused and following your commands. Well, different people do different things, and the purpose is common, to control the voice inside of you.

No matter what you do, make sure you are on a right track. And, nobody knows your right track better than you yourself.

Aleena Rayamajhi

Look At That Man; A Complete Shame!

(Not for a wicked, stupid, or humorless mind. Below lies entirely sarcastic content.)

What if it was a reverse case like this..

Just look at those men in the corner of the street. Look how easily they can laugh, even though they know that they are being watched by several women in the same street. Where did their manners go? Didn’t their father teach them appropriate behaviors?

They are also revealing their arms and legs. Are we supposed to close our eyes even while walking in the streets now? Did we raise our young boys to show us this day? Why are they even wearing shorts and tees? It is just 35 degrees today. Oh, look at that leg anyway! The horrible hairs. Shouldn’t tiny boys get those hairs off them? Who will marry them with that hair?

They seem of age around eighteen. Shouldn’t they be married by now? If this is the case, they might remain unmarried forever and be burden to their mothers. Even if they get married, with such attitude, they will not be a good husband.

And, are not they too fat for this age? At our age, we used to starve till we had that zero figure. And, the males these days are becoming ugly husbands, and bringing their wives down. Poor wife, what a shame to introduce such a fat husband to her colleagues or friends.

A pearl is formed inside shells. It is covered, protected, and ready to be worn or seen only when it is matured enough and in safe hands. A man is as precious as a pearl. Only after a man is tied up to a woman with a thread of marriage, he is in safe hands. Thus, only married men are free to express themselves, to the world, like a pearl, like an ornament.

Because, a man being sensitive, he has to be within the protection. He should hide his face under that cloth and do whatever his wife asks him to do. Only when a husband is at home, looking after the kids, the kids will learn good habits and a family will be a happier one.

What if he shows some portion of his body and lust other women around? A woman cannot be blamed for looking at the body of the man, if the man is showing it himself. “Hey wives, keep your husbands inside that four walls and please do not let them be the reason behind all these bad thoughts inside the minds of the women.”

Sometimes, we do feel harsh. If both the husband and wife worked together for family, the economic burden would be reduced somehow. But, these men should not be provided with complete freedom; only a portion of it at a time. With complete freedom, they might go vulnerable.

Let them shout, scream and protest for whatsoever “men’s rights”. They will be tired of it and get back into kitchen somehow, which is the actual place where they belong. After all, deep down, a silent man brings peace and prosperity.

They should do what they are good at, i.e. looking after kitchen and kids. Because, the life of a man lies in the good health and happiness of all the family members. His personal life is a secondary matter. Thus, do not let a man see more of a world. That can encounter imbalance in this world. Let a man be a second human being as always.

Aleena Rayamajhi

“Happy New Year 2076 BS, Nepal!”

‘Her’ imaginary story..

She was just four when stepped in to school for the first time.

“Where are the white ribbons?” said one of the teachers. “A girl should look pretty so put white ribbons on her.”

It was her fifth birthday; she received plenty of gifts like silver bracelets and cute pink frocks.

“We should make her look like a doll. After all she is a girl, and she should dress like one, with all the jewels and cute dresses.”, said her aunts.

 She turned 8. All her clothes were replaced, her body was developing. She had a younger brother who turned 4. She wasn’t loved less by her parents after her brother was born, but she was cared more because they had to take good care of a girl child. After all, girl child brings all the wealth and happiness in a family was their belief.

“Sit properly. A girl needs to cross her legs while sitting.” Her mother used to teach good habits.

She was a quiet little child. She always agreed things. She was nervous all the time. She was curious but she kept things within herself. She had very little friends. She loved to play with her brother.

She is Sahara; her name has a beautiful meaning in Nepali. It means ‘Support’. As her beautiful name, she has a beautiful aim in life. She wants to help people around her, who are suffering from health hazards. She wants to work in the hospital that was few miles away from her village, where she could be able to be the villagers’ Sahara-the support.

She turned 12. It was a turning point in her life. She bled for the first time. She learned things. Besides the pain, she accepted the fact that, yes, she is a girl and this is a part of life.

 But the rituals she didn’t like were, being abandoned to Chaupadi to stay during her menstrual cycle, skipping school as well, and moreover, not being able to see her brother, who was the only friend she had.

Chaupadi is a hut that is prepared away from the house, near the cowshed. It is so cold and she gets a lot of rashes due to mosquito bites.

She became used to all the harshness she received from her mother and father during her period. Chaupadi might be dirty, dark and cold, but at least provides her the shelter, when her world, the family could not. How easily she was moved from –”We should make her look like a doll.” to “Stay in there for the period days.”

That’s okay. She is not the only girl; all her female friends in school have same period stories too. When they gather in school and have a quality time to talk, they all make a wish of being a boy. But our little girl Sahara doesn’t wish that. Because, despite the pain she receives, she cannot deny her love for being what she is -a girl.

“Your thighs are seen. Wear a longer frock. Those skinny legs need to be hidden.”

“Why are your hair all messed up? A girl needs to make a pony tail and do not let the hair open.”

“Did you cut your hair short? Girls with long hair are angels. Do not cut the next time.”

She analyzed so many things while she got to hear these from people in her school and neighborhood. She was good at school.  

Eventually she stopped going to school after a marriage proposal of a man came from a renowned family. She was 15, she was about to finish her school, but she had not given the final examinations of class ten.  

“You might not get a marriage proposal from a man so wealthy and young, Sahara.”-Her mother’s words.

“Just give me few years to work on myself, after I become nurse, I will marry anyone you wish me to marry with.” – said Sahara; but unheard.

She was married the same month with all the rituals. Her father took a loan to make it up for a grand wedding. With all the gold and dowries,she was sent to the new home. She had a mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, and a cow named Seti.

The husband raped her the first night of the wedding. She was a quite girl, analyses things, do not make an objection, even to the wrong things.

She got used to all the kitchen works eventually.

She occasionally received some harsh words from her in-laws despite all the efforts she made to make them happy. She got a lot of torture from her husband just because he wanted to.

With the first child in her womb, she wished to meet her family; but refused by her in-laws because she still had to prepare food for all, do the cleanings, feed the cow, and everything.

While her sister-in-law of same age went school, she was treated like a rat. What was the difference? One was a daughter while other was a daughter-in-law.

Her village was two villages apart, and she could not make it to there in a day.

“I cannot swallow something that has your hair in it.” –said the husband

It was just another ordinary day of being beaten, and being raped despite the child in the womb. She was a woman already, and a mother to be soon. She was lacking a lot of nutrition, and more of a love that a woman with a child in her body wishes to receive.

It was a girl. No happiness in the face of the husband and in-laws. She realized that, her parents and her home was a heaven while this was hell. She recalls being loved in her home, despite being a girl child.

“Take your child away from here, the horrible sound of her crying makes me sick.” -the husband said.

‘Your child’?

She is a quite woman. She doesn’t defend herself. She listens, cries, and forgets.

The in-laws and the husband eventually accepted the baby.

“She has eyes like her father; but stupid jaw lines, like her mother.”

“She is an amazing child. If only it was a grand-son, I would go to heaven after my death.”-the grand father said.

The baby smiled whenever her father got nearer. She lacked a lot of attention from the father, who had been dreaming of a son.

She still had a lot of works to do, and a lot of beatings for no valid reasons.

“You will make another baby now, this time I want a boy, and else you are out of this house. I do not mind to marry again.”

She was threatened. A baby on a lap, not being healed properly and there’s a demand of another child.

The day, she decided to runaway. Her mind was vacant of any thoughts. She had been saving money by taking some coins everyday from her husband’s wallet. She took all the gold she received from her marriage.

She took a bus to the city where she had never been before.

“I always knew she was a whore.”

“What kind of wife does that?”

“She will go to hell for this deed.”

The in-laws and the villagers started gossiping. The husband didn’t wish for her to be searched.

“We will get our son the most deserving wife soon.” –the grandparents said.

She reached the new city where she found herself a room to live in. She had changed her gold into money and could easily pay for everything for few months.

 She lied to her landlord for being a widow and an orphan. That was her new reality anyway.

She was worried about the coming months, where she would lack money. Her landlord was a widow who was in her forties and she had some kind of business as well.

Sahara talked to her about the situation.

The woman helped her to gain a skill of tailoring and stitching; after a month of training, she had progressed a lot. She was hired by the woman herself for her cottage industry.

She was happy to be able to feed her baby and treat herself with all the happiness that she lacked before.

After all, Gods are always in favor of the brave women.

The city was more beautiful than the village for Sahara. The people would mind their own business and the women were also working to earn money and help their families. The single mothers could raise their children alone, without being judged.

She had a new family in her workplace. The landlord became her guardian.

She was a woman of wealth; her parents were right. She could save a lot of money, and also provide the best for the child.

Naani was growing. She would call her baby as Naani, which means a little girl.

Sahara started being more confident. She also added her ideas for the work and she was praised every time.

She had collected enough money for a new stitching machine and she had started preparing some clothes for Naani and herself.

Naani had started speaking, but she had never used a word Baba (father) in her life yet. Sahara was worried how she would tell her about the father who was a monstrous one.

Naani began to go school, and she realized she misses her lot while she was not there to disturb her every time while she worked.

Sahara used to teach Naani with her home works.

Mamu, why don’t you go to school like me?” –said Naani.

This was a big question that made her think for another week.

After a week, she replied to Naani, “I will be going to school too.”

Naani was happy. Sahara took a big step of her life. She rejoined class tenth.

She was just 19 and age was not much of a problem for her.

Sahara also talked to her landlord; she would do her stitching work in the morning and the evening. Everyone in her workplace was happy. The school was amazed to see the bravery of Sahara, and she became an example for every other woman there.

“Let me help you do that, I am good at math.” –said Sahara to one of the girl in her class.

She had studied it already. Many students in her class took the help from her. She also became a class topper in her first terminal examination.

A year passed, she became a distinction holder, and was able to get an admission into a nursing school. Her aim of being a nurse was again on her way.

Naani was a decent child. She never asked for unnecessary toys. But, Sahara made sure; all the basic demands were fulfilled.

Sahara was able to save money from her stitching job;she did her nursing diploma in scholarship too. She was a dedicated student, a hardworking employee, and a loving mother.

During her final year of nursing, she also received a job in the renowned hospital that was near her flat. She had to quit the stitching job; but everyone in her workplace was happy for her new success.

Naani was doing well with her studies. She was a curious child. She started asking a lot about her father. Sahara added a lot of lies everyday to hide the truth.

A fine day, a new patient was admitted to the hospital where Sahara worked as a nurse. The patient was under her department.

She found out the patient was her mother, and she had suffered from a minor leg injury. She had fallen from the cliff while picking some vegetables. The father had come too. They didn’t recognize her at first, but after she called Aama and Buwa to them; the parents cried with happiness.

“Your in-laws said that you burnt yourself and your daughter and died.”

They all cried and hugged. The parents were proud to find out she was a nurse already and the grand daughter was going to school. She also took them to her place, Naani was happy to meet her grandparents.

They also felt sorry for terminating her school and force-marrying her to a monstrous man who married within the month of Sahara leaving.

They kept visiting Sahara from the very day, and Sahara promised to come back to them someday.

Today Sahara is a nurse, who is loved by everyone in the hospital. She literally has been a Sahara-support for them. She provides the best care for her patients. She also has her own stitching business. She has employed more than fifteen women at her business and she has been Sahara-the support for them as well.

She has got herself and her daughter a bigger apartment to live in. She is also dating a widower, who was initially one of her patient.

Naani has already crossed her first menstrual cycle. She lives in her own room, instead of a Chaupadi during her cycle. She is given extra attention and love by the mother; Sahara doesn’t let her daughter face the situations that she had to go through while she was her age.

Naani calls her mother the source of inspiration for her. She also has found out about her father, and she has stopped asking about him after knowing what he had done to her and her mother some years back.

“I have a mother, and I have a father too, fortunately, they both are a single person. I am glad I am a daughter of an amazing personality, who is not just a parent, but a Business woman, a Nurse, a mentor, and a responsible daughter.” –were the words of Naani during her speech on an event on her school.

Sahara feels that she has conquered the world when she hears these words from her daughter. She doesn’t blame anyone for her bad times. She is proud that she took a major step in her life that she calls as,”the runaway mother”.

There are lots of Sahara-snot just in villages, but in the towns too. But everyone does not end like this. Some are dying in the Chaupadi huts; some are ended up to being sold as prostitutes. Some women are killed by the husband or the in-laws, some are sent back to home due to lack of dowries they brought.

But, despite the pain and the problems, be brave enough to stand up, to raise a voice, and in times, be ready to runaway too.


Aleena Rayamajhi

The Giant Banyan Tree

These wrinkled barks and uncontrolled branches, oh, I am still growing. I am too old already. But why don’t I stop growing? I am called as the second largest tree in Asia. I am a Banyan Tree. I live in the hills of Rajarani, Dhankuta which lies in the eastern part of Nepal. My place is beautiful. I occupy a lot of space. When it rains, I am the one who gets the most water. I have a lot of friends around me, some of them are cut down and the most of them are too young. May be because of my popularity, nobody tries to cut me down. I am blessed.

There are lots of birds in my branches all the time. They sing beautiful songs to me. Some goats enjoy sitting in my shade. I love animals. Sometimes fox, monkey and deer visit me. I hate those people who come to visit me from other places. They come in huge masses. They come in the vehicles that produce irritating noises. All my birds run away because of that noise. Their vehicles also produce polluted air. Ah, I hate that smell. They take a lot of pictures with me. They bring foods wrapped up in plastics to enjoy eating in my shade. But the sad thing is, they leave their wrappers here. These plastics do not decay. They stick to the soil and make my periphery dirty. The plastic wrappers and bottles do not let the rain enter into soil. It is hard to be the second largest tree, people come to visit very often and make my place unfavorable to live in.

I have a visitor right now. Ah, she is in a vehicle too. I know she is coming towards me. I am scared of the noise and the smoke that her vehicle is going to bring. She is almost here. Wait, she has a different vehicle. Oh, she is on a bicycle. So, it doesn’t produce any sound or requires no fuel. I am glad at least I do not have to go through pollution today. She seems happy. I can see her enjoying the sound of the birds in my branches. Even the birds didn’t fly away today.
It has been a while; she has been asleep in my lowest branch. She might be tired. I feel nice to provide a comfortable bed for her. She might be awake any minute because it has started to drizzle. My leaves shall protect her from most of the drizzle but even few drops in her face can make her awake. I should be really attentive because she is my guest for now.

Now she wakes, all happy and fresh. Damn it, she unwraps plastic for cookies. She might be hungry. I hate this habit of human beings because I hate plastic. She has finished eating the cookies. Wow, she just kept the plastics inside her bag. She did not throw it next to me. I am glad to meet her. I wish all the human beings would do the same.

It seems she is about to leave now as she is getting up. Ah, she is picking some old plastics around me and collecting it in her bag. It is a great relief for me. I feel clean already. May be because I provided her a shade and a branch to sleep, she is returning the favor by cleaning my place. She is leaving now. If only I could thank her for what she did.

I was wrong. All the human beings are not same after all. Some are kind and love us as well. I wish everyday at least one human being like her visits me. I would love to provide my shade and coolness. I would enjoy their company. I am old already, but these branches have become stronger. These branches would love to be the roof while you want shade and these leaves would always provide cool air. But, Dear Human Being, do not bring plastics with you, even if you do, please kindly take it away. Do not scare my birds with the sound of your vehicle and please do not create air pollution in my place, a gentle request.

Aleena Rayamajhi
(It is an imaginary narration of the giant Banyan Tree; I had a bicycle ride from Dharan to Rajarani; on reaching there, I made it to the Banyan tree. I enjoyed the shade and loved it. Go green!)

A letter from a 22 to an 18 (self)

Dear Junior,

I have gained a lot more experience already. I’m 22 while you are just 18. We both are fine, I know. You are a bit more worried sometimes than I am right now. We both share same mind, but mine is a bit broader than yours. May be because I have seen little bit more world than you have.

I’m writing this letter to you so that you can calm yourself. Life is going exactly as we had planned and I’m trying my best to take it the way we wanted while we were still teen. But do you know something Aleena, I kind of don’t care even if we do not go as planned because things are different now.

You wanted to get into engineering so badly right? Guess what? It is almost time for me to pass the engineering. After few months I shall be a bachelor graduate. And you might be worrying about getting into engineering, right? Don’t worry; you shall get the scholarship that you have been wishing from school days.

You have always been a stubborn teen, Aleena. A notorious kid and a stubborn teen, yeah that is you. But you shall be a sensitive and a responsible adult soon. You have been racing with time. Your schedule was tight. But, you managed to achieve as much as you could.

I honestly admit that, I have no regrets on your decisions yet. I’m proud of you. The greatest decision you made in your late teen was turning into vegetarian. You never let me down. You are always worried about your next decisions while you act cool. You are unpredictable, Aleena. Only I can predict you, at least now.

Your life shall be changing soon after you get admission to your Engineering College. You shall be a free bird soon. You will see things that will surprise you and challenge you. Remain strong; I know you can handle it. You shall travel a lot and make new friends. In these four years, you shall learn to make up, you shall walk in heels. Surprised? Well, I surely am not lying. You shall wear sarees and kurtas too. Don’t worry, prettier than we both can imagine.

You shall not be scared to participate in lot of stuffs and win at some. Your love for animals shall increase. You shall earn money for your living too. Good news, right? You shall save a lot of money and invest it on homeless and helpless as well.

Aleena, you shall buy the best present for your mum with your first salary soon. Sounds cool, right? You shall receive Guitar as a gift from dad. Yes, he is our superhero. Your sister will be married in two years and you shall get the coolest brother-in-law. You have a lot to enjoy in four years.

You shall learn to cook food. You shall eat every vegetable that you hated once. You shall lose your bad habits and adopt some good ones. Are you happy to go through the letter, dear? So stop worrying and enjoy your last days of teen. Enjoy your innocence.

You will be meeting a lot of people in your four years to come. Some shall teach you great life lessons. Some shall be your angels and stick with you always. You shall find family outside family. You shall make some mistakes, but that’s okay.

Dear, please control your appetite. You shall gain a lot of weight. And even going to gym shall not be the solution. Else, everything is fine here. The early adulthood is a surprise despite of revealing this much already. I want some incidents to surprise you with time. Good luck girl, you have a lot to be joyful about.

Your passion for writing shall increase. Keep on writing and please do find out time for the people you love and yes, yourself.


Her First Period

“Hide those legs. You are a woman to be.” said my Aunt as I was wearing my old little frock. She always scolds me for such unnecessary things. I don’t like when she visits us. But well, my mother doesn’t scold me for anything. I’m really fortunate that my mother went against the society and still allows me to go to school while Sweta and Rashmi have already stopped going to school. My brother and I both go to school together. I love studying. After returning from school, my brother goes to play while I have to start preparing dinner. After cooking for all and washing dishes, I still find time for books. I feel sad for my friends as their parents are less supportive than mine. Hi, I’m Sahara. I study at class 6. I have a family of four including brother, mother, father and me. We live in this village here at Morang, it is called Rangeli.

Today my parents are not at home. They have gone to a marriage ceremony at my neighbors’. So, I have to look after cattle. My brother has gone to school. I’m home alone. I don’t feel like washing these clothes. I can cook Pudding out of remaining rice from yesterday’s dinner and milk that I collected from our old cow Mohini. It must be the best day of my life so far. Perhaps I can take a quick nap too. I’m exhausted.

“What have you done?” I wake up from my nap as I could hear my mother scream and find out blood on my bed sheet. I was bleeding, but I had no idea about that. She spits on my face out of nowhere and drags me down the bed. “You are impure already, do not enter the house. Go stay with Mohini. The gods are angry with you.” I cry out loud. I have no idea what has been happening. Why am I bleeding? Why am I treated like this? I had never seen this side of mother. I carry my pillow and blanket and make my bed near Mohini. Oh it must be that time of the month when mother stays with cows and I have to do her works too. Once we had a class about Menstruation Hygiene. It must be this. I should have paid attention in that class. I cannot stop this blood. I’m scared. My uterus feels like thrones. Am I about to die now?

“Take this. Put it there.” My mother hands me some old pieces of clothes. “Clean yourself. Your brother and father might be here by now. Do not show your face to them. And do not come outside. It is your first bleed. You shouldn’t see the sun for 15 days. I shall bring you everything that you require.” I bow my head as I hear her words. All I require right now is your love, mother. But all I’m getting is to hear your harsh words. It broke my heart. How can I stay here for 15 more days? This place smells like dung and there are so many flies hovering around me. “Every woman has to go through this; it is a part of woman’s life. Don’t cry like a child, you are a woman now.” I can see her leave. If being a woman is this horrible, I don’t want to be one. I wish I were a boy…
It is getting dark. I have never stayed away from mother. I can hear my brother’s laugh from inside the warm house. How happy he seems, while I’m here in this dark and cold place with weird noises. I have always been scared of blood. But today, it has been the part of me. It flows and I cannot do anything about it. My body feels so weak. I wish to be around my mother’s arm, where I could forget every pain and sleep in peace. Dear mother, why have you gone so violent? Did you forget I’m your daughter after all?

“Wake up. Go take a bath and wear these.” My mother hands me some clothes and food. So it seems I have completed one day at this cowshed. Oh, I have so many rashes in my arms and face. It must be because of the mosquito’s bites. “Mother, when shall I stop bleeding?” I asked my mother. “Probably six to seven days.” This gave me Goosebumps. Will I be able to live by bleeding for seven days? Well, I should stay here for a while as mother is nowhere around. I can smell fresh air at least. “What wrong had I done in my past life that I have a sight of an impure girl?”My father screams. I should not have been here. He saw me. Now he will have a bad day. “I told you to stay in the cowshed. Why are you still out?” I run into the cowshed while my mother scolds me. It seems even my father has stopped loving me. What have I done wrong? I don’t want to be a daughter anymore. Can’t I be a son, please?

It has been few days already. I’m used to all these bitter words towards me. My brother hasn’t come to visit me even once. I miss him. I miss school and friends. I’m so weak and tired. I think I need to sleep now. I shall clean this blood tomorrow. After all, cleaning blood wouldn’t make this place good enough to live in. What is this thing crawling towards me? Is that snake? “Mother, help me. There’s a snake.” “Help, Mother.”

“Where am I?” I can see my father, mother and brother around me along with two nurses. “You have been bitten by a snake. You are fortunate enough to be alive.” said one of the nurses. My mother grabs me in her arms. She is shedding tears in distress. I had been missing this kind of love. I can hear my father and brother crying too. So it all required a snake to bite me to get all the love? Why wasn’t I bitten before? I am ready to be bitten each day if I can get my mother’s arm around me.

“You have a vaginal infection too.” said the other nurse. “Take care of yourself. You need to stay clean. Eat enough and keep yourself warm.” It seems I have stopped bleeding from there. My menstruation week has ended. Well, it has been bleeding from my leg now because of the snake bite. But, snake bites are wonderful, they provide you pain in your body but bring your loved ones around you that can heal all kind of other pains. But vaginal bleeding are harsh, they provide pain in the body as well as they take away all the loving people from you. “I should have never let you be there in the cowshed.” my mother speaks with tears in her eyes.

I’m home now. I have been in my room after a long time. My mother says, I shall be kept in my room even during my menstruation days from now on but she says I still will have to follow some rituals. I have always wanted to be a son from my birth. But I know this is not going to happen. Even though, I’m not born as a boy, I have another wish from gods. I want to have a girl child someday when I’m married. I shall treat my daughter in the best possible way. I shall nourish her during her first menstruation. I shall sleep near her in the same bed. I shall put her in my arms unless she falls asleep. I shall provide her with nutritious foods. I shall teach her to keep herself clean and to stay away from infections. I shall provide her all the love she needs that I lacked once. I shall go against my husband, society and everyone who would point a finger at us. I shall abolish this immoral tradition at least in my home someday.

‘This is an imaginary story. But we know there are plenty of girls and women like Sahara who have been treated in this way or may be worse. We should be brave enough to abolish this cruel tradition from our society. A mother plays the best role to abolish it. No mother would wish her daughter to have such treatment but she might be scared of the husband or the society. Stand up against Menstruation rituals and help every mother to let her daughter have best treatment during that time of a month.’

Aleena Rayamajhi