Only Positive Vibes | LAST BLOG OF 2019

Shout-out to the people who are going against the stereotype & awakening from the dead traditions made by already dead people. Today, nobody wants to live their lives according to the boundaries set by the majority of people centuries ago & we all are fighting for a common dream.

Today, a man can kiss another man, a woman can tie knot to another woman. Love is not between opposite genital anymore but between two pure souls. You need not hide your identity & can be who you are! Today, it is fine if you do not want to talk about it, you receive all the private space.

You can have a boyfriend who is shorter than you, or weighs lesser than you. Your girlfriend can be darker than you or can have big biceps than yours. If you decide to make babies before your marriage, it is fine. If you do not want any babies ever, it is fine too. You are no more bounded by the marriage knot either. You need not have to meet any criteria today because there’re no criteria any more.

Your wife can earn more money than you which is not a matter of shame for you anymore. A disabled person is a differently-able person today. Not a single person should feel inferior for the differences one has & not a single person gets to feel superior of the ordinary things that one might not have.

Today, eating snacks in a restaurant alone is cool. Going to the theater alone is completely fine. Making denial of any events for a personal growth or happiness is encouraged.

Pink is a man’s favorite color today without questions, and women are walking down the streets wearing boxers & ?????. Women with shaved heads are still slaying & men participating in beauty pageants are complete dudes. Men can hug each other in the park & women can give each other fist bumps in public.

It is not that people stopped talking behind your back, or make fun of you for being different than the usual, it is that you stopped giving a damn. You have matured so much that you believe everyone gets to enjoy in their own way & all you should focus on is making your life beautiful instead of making someone else’s life miserable. Everyone is healing; everyone is focused on following their dreams. Actually, this change was much needed, and shall provide more wonders.

© Aleena Rayamajhi

The Remaining Happiness!

If an engineer wants to put ‘Er.’ before his name, let him do that. If a medical student wants to wear the white coat even outside the college, let her do that. If people want to show their acting skills through TikTok, let them do that. If people like to make tremendous posts all about a single football match in Facebook, let them do that too. Don’t you see their happiness in it?

What is happiness? It is something that will let you forget all the bad times, dead lines, health issues, money crisis, academical pressure, and let you enjoy in the moment.

Happiness does not have to always be in poetry, music, playing sport, singing, or writing. It can be at any sort of things depending on the individuals.

Happiness has become so rare these days that people are rarely smiling. Even if they are smiling, most of the times it is a fake one. Why? Because society wants you to do this, society hates when you do that and blah blah.

If someone wants to share their life moments, simply listen to it. Sometimes, just giving your ears to someone or listening them helps a lot to recover their lost happiness. Your simple feed back like ‘well done’, or ‘good try’ can multiply their happiness!

Yes, one has to be bold and honest while giving a feed back, but don’t you think there can be different ways to deliver the same speech? Your words can hurt someone and snatch that little happiness from them. If you have no source of happiness of your own, you do not have the right to snatch the other people’s happiness either.

Being judgmental is easy. But the results are terrifying sometimes. It can lead to create a hole in the heart of the one who you pass a comment at. That hole shall never be filled again, never.

If someone is happy with something they are doing, please don’t put an effort to destroy that happiness. We are living in a society with so many rules. Who made these rules? The majority, right? Does that mean whatever the majority vote for is correct and the minority are always wrong? One can have different perception to life, respect that.

Remember, everyone has one life. Everyone is a guest here. What is the point in making another person down with a lot of efforts? That is not your happiness but simply your selfishness.

Aleena Rayamajhi | 09/09/2019

My Body: None of Your Business | Stop Body Shaming

A campaign started by the Female Champions 2019
In frame – Champion Aleena Rayamajhi

Do not ask me who I’m, because, I’m playing several roles today. I’m every individual that has been a victim of your harsh words. I’ll make you think about every individual in your entire life to whom you have spoken in a way that made the person feel inferior, unwanted, left out, and sad.

Do you remember the little boy with really dark skin in your neighborhood when you were 9; everyone got to play cricket and that boy ended up at the corner just hoping to get to play along with you? Remember how you bullied that little boy for not having a fairer skin and making him cry every day? Even today he is scared of people and always likes to stay alone. I’m that little dark boy.

Do you remember that teacher who was bald? You and your friends called him with nasty names and always made him feel ugly in entire school. He is 40 years old today and is still unmarried. He lost his confidence and thought he does not deserve a woman because he was ugly. I’m that bald teacher.

Remember that girl in 9th grade? She had big matured body. You all made fun of her. She was suffering from Progeria, which made her to have her body grow faster than the age. She skipped many classes every week to avoid you and your not-so-funny-jokes about her breasts & thighs. She was starving to death until she had to leave the school! I’m that matured girl with big body.

Do you remember that skinny girl in your high school? You and your group of friends always whistled at her and reminded her to eat more food. She was suffering from diabetes and could not gain weight despite eating a lot. She was so stressed that she had to drop out from high school. She went into depression and is taking medication lately. I’m that skinny girl.

Do you remember that colleague of yours who had only one arm? You always made him feel unwanted by pointing out what things he could not do instead of pointing out how greatly he could do the remaining things. He was giving his best at work but you always complaint your boss that he was unable to do certain things and does not deserve to be at work. He is jobless now, and is searching for a new job to feed his family. I’m that disable man.

The thing is, it is not the strangers who point out flaws in me. It is you (family, friends, students, relatives, and colleagues) who constantly remind me of my flaws. You know me a little more than those strangers, right? But yet add more sadness in my life. I’m doing my best to be equally accepted in the society, okay? I know I’ve a big body, and it is fine to remind me to take care of my weight as I might suffer from diseases later. But, there are ways to tell me, okay? I can always distinguish an advice, a joke, & a humiliation coated with joke. Don’t you think I’m more worried about my body than you? Don’t you think I’m constantly working with my body to be better every day?

Today I stand strong, and remind you to do better in your life. I remind you that my body is none of your business. You do not know my story; therefore, you do not put any kind of shame on me, alright? If you feel I’m somehow less than you, you keep it with yourself. The world is a home for everyone. Nobody is perfect here, but everyone gets to live their life with their own choices as long as s/he does not harm another being!

You might think you were playing, or trying to seek attention by putting me down, but you are not just putting me down, but you are breaking me. I’m becoming weaker every day. Please be human. I do not want to be the victim of your harsh words anymore. #StopBodyShaming

Part of a campaign started by The Female Champions 2019.
Author: Champion Aleena Rayamajhi

Don’t Paralyze Your Children!

How much do your parents earn? Have they been able to provide you a luxurious life? Are they saving a lot of money for your future? That’s what a typical loving parent does. No matter how hard the life of a parent is, there is a constant struggle to make your life soothing.

How do you judge this? Is this the right procedure? Rich parents obviously provide luxurious life to their children. They have so much property for their children that the children do not have to do a regular job to earn money.

Lets look into a typical middle class or poor family. The life of a poor family is harsh. The parents make little money that will provide them only two times food and expenses of their children. No matter how harsh the life is, they still manage to save little money cutting their basic expenses to save it for a better future of at least their children. The father might refuse to buy a motor bike for himself and instead walk to office. The mother might refuse to wear fancy clothes to parties and sit in home instead. They are not just cutting their basic needs but they are cutting their valuable happiness for their children.

The child grows up. S/he receives the finest education, or at least the education as per the capacity of the parents. They demand motor bikes, mobile phones, good clothes, and their parents buy it to them by cutting more of their basic needs to see happiness of their children. There is barely a struggle in the life of the children, as compared to the parents.

Giving birth/adopting & rearing a child is the biggest responsibility of parent/s. You should bear a child only once you are ready. You are not supposed to provide the finest education and luxurious goods all the time. All you need to do is educate them and teach them to become a responsible human being themselves. If you are a child, you need to be thankful to receive a life and years of care from your parents, and you should not ask anything else besides that.

If you are any year older than 18, doing nothing and feeding on your father’s money, and being proud of the money, you are a paralyzed child. Do you have a reputed lifestyle because of your popular or rich parents that has not allowed you to go out and find a proper job?

If it is so, let me remind you that 15-year old Sasha Obama, daughter of Barack Obama worked in a restaurant in her summer holidays to earn money. Even the elder daughter Malia Obama worked as an Intern in the film sets. Are not they the daughters of one of the most powerful parents in the world?

Do you know Jackie Chan has $350 million, which he is planning to donate to the charity instead of keeping it for his son Jaycee?

If you are above 18, feeding on your parents’ money, being a spoiled brat of your somehow-rich-or-popular parents, you might find Jackie Chan & Barack Obama being unfair to their children, right?

What these parents have learned in their life is something that every parent should learn. You are supposed to provide your children all the skills that you could not receive; but you are not supposed to provide them the materialistic or luxurious life or save a lot of money for them. They are supposed to earn it themselves.

Those who have had a rough life know the satisfaction of every little reward after a hard struggle. This is the meaning of life. You are not supposed to just come to this planet, spend entire money that has been already available from your parents, and die.

If you are doing this, at one point, you will realize that you have never found happiness. Money is something, but it is not everything. Happiness comes from inner peace. Inner peace comes from satisfaction. Satisfaction never comes from money. It comes from hard work, struggles, and helping another one in need.

Let your children learn how to make their own living. Let them be independent. What you shower your children today with your own money & time, they should be able to shower you same or more with their own money and time. Only those who understand this will let their children go out of the comfort zones and work for real, instead of feeding it to their mouth forever.

Don’t overindulge your children by providing them every penny you wished you had while you were young. Instead, provide them every skill that you wished you had learnt. Every life has a purpose, don’t snatch it from your kids.

Aleena Rayamajhi


One day, you wake up in the morning, and you are 23. You feel older suddenly. You question yourself: “What do you have? Are you graduated? Do you have a good job? Are you married or seeing someone?” If your answer is NO, you are suddenly depressed.

This is a human made boundary. The human being has given you an age criteria to get your degree, get your first job, find your soul mate, marry, have kids, and be rich. If you are not doing this, you are doing it wrong. This is something that has been followed up from generations, and if today you are going against this stereotype, you are hardly accepted in the society.

Marriage & being rich have always been the ultimate goals of human beings. Either you become rich through corruption, or robbery, or harming someone, it does not matter. If you are sad with your partner in your after-marriage life, it does not really matter. What really matters are, you need to be wealthy, and you need not end up alone in life. Having a degree is so important that, it does not matter if you are willingly getting one, or getting it just to be accepted in the society.

Lets peek into the point when the boundary was set. Who set the age boundary? Our ancestors, right? The average life expectancy in the pre-modern & poor world was 30 years. Gradually, the beginning of 19th century led the life expectancy to increase up to 60 years. Sixty years, really? So, you were supposed to die at the age of sixty years! Therefore, you were forced to marry by your parents or grandparents before you were 20 or even 15 just because they could hold their grand children before they died. What is the life expectancy today? Have you heard most of the people in Asian countries like Japan live more than 100 years? Marrying at 20 today will let you see your great-great-grand children, and you might not even die after that. Oops!

You see, there is this important point we are missing. Today, it should not matter even if you get your first degree at the age of forty. It does not matter if you are single at the age of 35. There is no rushing into decisions that are made with the fear of feeling old. You are not old, unless you feel it. So, what should be the ultimate goal, then? Being HAPPY!

Human beings have seen a lot already with so many beautiful inventions. The human being should be free to make more beautiful inventions. When do you get your creativity and inventions? It is when you have no boundaries, or restrictions, or responsibilities, or fear. Keeping the age aside, you should do everything that will provide you happiness.

A degree is important, so are marriage & wealth. But it can wait for the right time. Age is just a random thing that goes along with time, but does not tell you about the right time. Your hard work will surely make you a wealthy person someday, your soul mate will surely find a charm about you someday, but that someday could be little later too, doesn’t matter.

Corbin Kentucky founded KFC at the age of 65. If he really cared about his age or society, would he have achieved so much or give so much to the society? You can zip the mouths of people easily once you have achieved your dreams.

Today, a 50 years aged man is hitting the gym to get the triceps & six packs that he had no time to get while he was in his twenties. A woman of age 45 is taking the ballet lessons. People of all ages are involving into travels, paintings, music, sports, and every other things that make them feel happier. They have understood something that the rest of the people have not. They have realized that it is their life, and it has nothing to do with age, but only with happiness. They are doing it right.

Today I’m 23, I have barely achieved anything. But, I know one day I’ll. I’ll live my life with my own terms, without setting any boundaries. If I’m doing it right, and doing it for my happiness, without harming another soul, I’m sure I’ll achieve all my dreams. May be my dreams do not converge with stereotype dreams, but this is how I wish to live my life. One has a right to live their life in their own ways. There should be no competition in living an amazing life; because the definition to an amazing life varies from one person to another, and yes, it should. The ultimate goal always should be HAPPINESS!

Aleena Rayamajhi

What’s your age again?

Simple Life Lessons

Are you not being able to be happy because you are too busy? You can pass smiles to people on your way to office or college. I bet you will not just have a good day, but even they will have a good day too. It doesn’t require much to be happy. Helping someone without wishing something in return also makes you happy. People go places, spend money and time in search of happiness while they can find it everywhere around them. Unplanned kind actions give more happiness than the planned ones. That’s why, we must be active all the time and enjoy every moment of life. Because happiness isn’t something we search for, but it is something that we create for ourselves. Do you know something? If you are happy, you seem younger than you are.

What are you scared of? Why don’t you fulfill your small wishes rather than depriving them? You live for yourself first, and then only for your parents or loved ones. If you are living for others, you are not living; you are just pretending. You should not be scared of doing things that provide excitement and thrills in your life as long as they do not harm others. What can be the worst? You will die, right? Everyone has to die someday, so live up when you still have time rather than silently waiting for your death. Make your every action valuable.

Freedom is our top priority. If one has to choose between love and freedom, the one surely chooses freedom. If he/she chooses love instead of freedom, it will be hard to remain happy afterwards. If you are a parent, remember something, right freedom is the best gift you can give your child. Your child is a free bird, and if you deprive him/her with right freedom, your child is the bird whose leg is attached by a string that allows it to see only a part of the sky. If you are a child, remember something, your parents’ can only provide you good education, but not the good life, do not blame your parents if you misuse your freedom in wrong way and end up into greater life problems, because with freedom comes responsibilities.

When it comes to beauty, we automatically respect a bit more to a person who is comparatively more beautiful. Everyone is not born beautiful, but everyone wants to be. If one is not born beautiful, one can groom him/herself to be beautiful. When we talk about beauty, it just doesn’t mean the face only. It is beyond. What if the face is beautiful but the character isn’t? I believe one should always find out time for themselves. No matter how busy is the schedule, we can always find out time for activities that will not allow our mind to be dull. We can always involve in swimming, running or/and sports because it is necessary for our body to be in good shape. And to intensify inner beauty, one can read good books, attend seminars, and improve public speaking capacity which gradually increases confidence. And, my dear friend, beauty is over all about confidence. If you are confident enough, you are beautiful for yourself, and that is the only thing that matters the most.

These days, people are usually depressed, some have academic problems, some have career problems, some have health issues and some have love problems. The youths that are depressed, are not capable to handle it. Most of the adults are depressed, but are still living the life as if they are fine. Do you know the root cause of depression? It is “free time”. You are depressed because you over think. The problem that you are facing has tremendous solutions. But, your mind scares you by magnifying the problem rather than giving you the solution. The mind that is always busy, has no time for such horrible thoughts. The least you can do to keep your mind busy is reading a good book. The most you can do to keep your mind busy is travel.

The choice is yours, either be ordinary or be happy. Life is worth only if you are happy. Happiness is a feeling and has no price. The lessons are simple and I bet that you already knew it. May be, you needed a friend like me, who could remind you of these. Be productive, not because your family or society expects a lot from you, but because you are here to be better than you were yesterday. Spread love, help and smile and see how ordinary things around you change.

Aleena Rayamajhi

People shall judge you, no matter what!

If you are doing something great in your life, you shall meet two kinds of people. The first kind includes those people who admire you, appreciate you and ultimately copy your styles. The other kind includes those people who judge your each activity, give a harsh response, create rumor to the public and ultimately try to copy your styles but fail.

We live in the society which is ruled by the second kind of people. These people are so powerful that many dreams die every second and the stereotype is formed. The society desires profession like doctors, lawyers and engineers out of the common people. Poets, musicians, artists and businessmen are the people who went against the stereotype, didn’t listen to the people who tried to drag them backwards and won. They have set the example for those who are scared of doing what their heart really wants.

If you know you have chosen the right track, you should not be scared of the mass that tries to distract you. Sometimes the people, who are really close to us, like our parents, want us to forget something that we are good at. They want us to be accepted by the society. But this is wrong. Their minds are narrow. Even they are scared of the society. Everyone is not good at same thing, but everyone is good at something. We should realize that our dreams require our support at first. If we do not support our dreams, no one else shall. But if we stay focused on what we want to achieve someday, then we might be able to break the stereotype and challenge everyone.

There are many people who are tired of trying to be accepted by the society. But our society is brutal. It has set some false barriers among us. There is nothing wrong in doing what the heart wants as long as it doesn’t affect someone. It is also one of the reasons behind many suicide cases. The people who are sick of not being able to be perfect in the society ultimately kill their dreams and sometimes themselves as well.

These people who support the stereotype are unpaid employees. Their task is to drag every creative mind down to the bottom, to their level. They are not good at anything besides this. But you, yes you, you are a good human being. I know you have a creative mind. You are really special. You need to love yourself; only after that your family and friends matter. You can achieve your life goals if you concentrate on your work rather than worrying what people might talk about you. After all, your ultimate goal in life is to be happy, right? You can be happy only when you can be the real you and not the one that society wants you to be. So, please do not listen to the people out there. They lack knowledge. They shall judge you no matter what.

Aleena Rayamajhi


Are you happy?

You can die tomorrow while walking on street or even while sleeping on your bed. Life is so unpredictable, right? Do you regret if you were to die tomorrow? Do you have any unfulfilled dream? I don’t mean the big dreams that you wish to achieve in 10 years. I mean the little dreams that you can achieve today, right now.

“I want to thank my parents.”

“I want to learn Piano.”

“I want to go to pub.”

“I want to taste wine.”

“If only I could meet her.”

There can be several small wishes like these. Every human being has enough time and money for all the little dreams they have. It requires guts to fulfill it. Why not make a list of all the possible dreams that you wish everyday and make a little commitment toward fulfilling it? Happiness is not in watching series or movies or reading books all the time. Happiness is beyond that. Happiness lies in discoveries.

Go outside the house and thank every little creature that makes you feel blessed. Dance every time you hear the loud music. Make new friends and listen to their stories and struggles. Buy bread for homeless. Wave hand to strangers. Pass on smiles to elderly people and kids. Play with animals. Never waste food. Keep your body healthy. Love yourself. Earn money so that you can spend it on things that provide you happiness. Engage yourself with new and creative things. Whatever you do, do it with all your heart and efforts. Utilize your time properly.

If you love a bunch of people, tell them. Find out time for people you love. Talk to them more often. Appreciate little acts and efforts anyone makes for you. Talk to your parents on every alternate day. Tell that you miss them. Never stay empty. Occupy yourself with something you love. Don’t consider age. You are young as long as you desire to do something worth. People around you play a valuable role to determine either you are happy or sad. Why not surround yourself with people who ignite you to be cheerful and ask you to attempt new and creative stuffs? If you do not find one, you can be one.

Let’s live in present. Let us assume that we are here only today. We should value ourselves. Why cry for something that is not with us anymore. Why love someone who doesn’t love us back? You are capable of doing anything at your own. Be farsighted. Live your life to build yourself. After you are built, then only you can shelter others. You should be your priority number one. Be brave and do not fear if you are doing right. If you are not happy, you are living in a wrong way

Are you happy?
Aleena Rayamajhi


Live Life to the Fullest :)

You wanted to smoke but you suppressed it. You wanted to drink at your friend’s birthday but you remembered you are a good person and you denied.

You wanted to be a photographer or model or spy or have your own business as your career but you were not ready to take a risk and had a fear of earning no money so you ended up in a boring regular office job. You attended less parties and functions because you saved it for future when you believed to have zero tension. You wanted to dance like crazy but you had a fear of being looked at badly. You wanted to have a tattoo but again you wanted to be accepted by your society. You wanted to travel world but you left it for your future. You wanted a new phone but you were okay with the old one since you saved money for you future.

Now you are in your future. You have a cancer even though you never touched a cigarette, can’t you have it? You have enough money to buy new phone or any other gadget but suddenly you have no interest in new gadgets. You have a boring job that gives you money each month but doesn’t fulfill your interests. You have enough money for new clothes but you can’t wear new clothes to go nowhere! Your body doesn’t support any tattoo and you have no energy to attend parties and of course nobody invites an old person in a party either.

All you have is regrets. You are sitting in that furniture complaining about youngsters, who party all night, tattoo their parts, buy new gadgets and drink alcohol. Yes, you wanted to do that at some part of your life but since you couldn’t have it, you complain. You are actually jealous of their cool lifestyle and energy. And you are the one to backbite and discourage young ones to enjoy their life to the fullest.

Life is once, live it to the fullest. Go crazy, dance like an idiot. Do stupid stuffs. Be creative. Discover yourself, so that you have no regrets at the end of the life, so that you shouldn’t beg for new life. But that way you shouldn’t harm anyone. When you are all crazy in your early ages, you’ll be sincere and responsible in your old age. You’ll be a responsible parent with no regrets. You’ll have cool stories to tell on to your kids and friends. When you have all the fun in your early part of life, you will have satisfaction and memories to live on in your adulthood. Enjoy.

*Aleena Rayamajhi (Just a random thought of the day…)