Live Life to the Fullest :)

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You wanted to smoke but you suppressed it. You wanted to drink at your friend’s birthday but you remembered you are a good person and you denied.

You wanted to be a photographer or model or spy or have your own business as your career but you were not ready to take a risk and had a fear of earning no money so you ended up in a boring regular office job. You attended less parties and functions because you saved it for future when you believed to have zero tension. You wanted to dance like crazy but you had a fear of being looked at badly. You wanted to have a tattoo but again you wanted to be accepted by your society. You wanted to travel world but you left it for your future. You wanted a new phone but you were okay with the old one since you saved money for you future.


Now you are in your future. You have a cancer even though you never touched a cigarette, can’t you have it? You have enough money to buy new phone or any other gadget but suddenly you have no interest in new gadgets. You have a boring job that gives you money each month but doesn’t fulfill your interests. You have enough money for new clothes but you can’t wear new clothes to go nowhere! Your body doesn’t support any tattoo and you have no energy to attend parties and of course nobody invites an old person in a party either.

All you have is regrets. You are sitting in that furniture complaining about youngsters, who party all night, tattoo their parts, buy new gadgets and drink alcohol. Yes, you wanted to do that at some part of your life but since you couldn’t have it, you complain. You are actually jealous of their cool lifestyle and energy. And you are the one to backbite and discourage young ones to enjoy their life to the fullest.

Life is once, live it to the fullest. Go crazy, dance like an idiot. Do stupid stuffs. Be creative. Discover yourself, so that you have no regrets at the end of the life, so that you shouldn’t beg for new life. But that way you shouldn’t harm anyone. When you are all crazy in your early ages, you’ll be sincere and responsible in your old age. You’ll be a responsible parent with no regrets. You’ll have cool stories to tell on to your kids and friends. When you have all the fun in your early part of life, you will have satisfaction and memories to live on in your adulthood. Enjoy.

*Aleena Rayamajhi (Just a random thought of the day…)

Published by

Aleena Rayamajhi

I'm a social animal.