Are you happy?

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You can die tomorrow while walking on street or even while sleeping on your bed. Life is so unpredictable, right? Do you regret if you were to die tomorrow? Do you have any unfulfilled dream? I don’t mean the big dreams that you wish to achieve in 10 years. I mean the little dreams that you can achieve today, right now.

“I want to thank my parents.”


“I want to learn Piano.”

“I want to go to pub.”

“I want to taste wine.”

“If only I could meet her.”

There can be several small wishes like these. Every human being has enough time and money for all the little dreams they have. It requires guts to fulfill it. Why not make a list of all the possible dreams that you wish everyday and make a little commitment toward fulfilling it? Happiness is not in watching series or movies or reading books all the time. Happiness is beyond that. Happiness lies in discoveries.

Go outside the house and thank every little creature that makes you feel blessed. Dance every time you hear the loud music. Make new friends and listen to their stories and struggles. Buy bread for homeless. Wave hand to strangers. Pass on smiles to elderly people and kids. Play with animals. Never waste food. Keep your body healthy. Love yourself. Earn money so that you can spend it on things that provide you happiness. Engage yourself with new and creative things. Whatever you do, do it with all your heart and efforts. Utilize your time properly.

If you love a bunch of people, tell them. Find out time for people you love. Talk to them more often. Appreciate little acts and efforts anyone makes for you. Talk to your parents on every alternate day. Tell that you miss them. Never stay empty. Occupy yourself with something you love. Don’t consider age. You are young as long as you desire to do something worth. People around you play a valuable role to determine either you are happy or sad. Why not surround yourself with people who ignite you to be cheerful and ask you to attempt new and creative stuffs? If you do not find one, you can be one.

Let’s live in present. Let us assume that we are here only today. We should value ourselves. Why cry for something that is not with us anymore. Why love someone who doesn’t love us back? You are capable of doing anything at your own. Be farsighted. Live your life to build yourself. After you are built, then only you can shelter others. You should be your priority number one. Be brave and do not fear if you are doing right. If you are not happy, you are living in a wrong way

Are you happy?
Aleena Rayamajhi


Published by

Aleena Rayamajhi

I'm a social animal.

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