People shall judge you, no matter what!

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If you are doing something great in your life, you shall meet two kinds of people. The first kind includes those people who admire you, appreciate you and ultimately copy your styles. The other kind includes those people who judge your each activity, give a harsh response, create rumor to the public and ultimately try to copy your styles but fail.


We live in the society which is ruled by the second kind of people. These people are so powerful that many dreams die every second and the stereotype is formed. The society desires profession like doctors, lawyers and engineers out of the common people. Poets, musicians, artists and businessmen are the people who went against the stereotype, didn’t listen to the people who tried to drag them backwards and won. They have set the example for those who are scared of doing what their heart really wants.

If you know you have chosen the right track, you should not be scared of the mass that tries to distract you. Sometimes the people, who are really close to us, like our parents, want us to forget something that we are good at. They want us to be accepted by the society. But this is wrong. Their minds are narrow. Even they are scared of the society. Everyone is not good at same thing, but everyone is good at something. We should realize that our dreams require our support at first. If we do not support our dreams, no one else shall. But if we stay focused on what we want to achieve someday, then we might be able to break the stereotype and challenge everyone.

There are many people who are tired of trying to be accepted by the society. But our society is brutal. It has set some false barriers among us. There is nothing wrong in doing what the heart wants as long as it doesn’t affect someone. It is also one of the reasons behind many suicide cases. The people who are sick of not being able to be perfect in the society ultimately kill their dreams and sometimes themselves as well.

These people who support the stereotype are unpaid employees. Their task is to drag every creative mind down to the bottom, to their level. They are not good at anything besides this. But you, yes you, you are a good human being. I know you have a creative mind. You are really special. You need to love yourself; only after that your family and friends matter. You can achieve your life goals if you concentrate on your work rather than worrying what people might talk about you. After all, your ultimate goal in life is to be happy, right? You can be happy only when you can be the real you and not the one that society wants you to be. So, please do not listen to the people out there. They lack knowledge. They shall judge you no matter what.

Aleena Rayamajhi


Published by

Aleena Rayamajhi

I'm a social animal.

10 thoughts on “People shall judge you, no matter what!”

  1. I rember once Oprah said, know what is happening around you and be in control of what is happening within you and this perfectly coil with your thoughts. People and society always judge you no matter how strongly you held your head high. So we should be alert how they are treating us and stand firmly with self values and beliefs.Well done Aleena, you have stood strongly representing youths of our society.

  2. Well Said ………….. we all are good and capable in something but there are obstructions which isolate it before discovering the fact………
    in our society.

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