The Giant Banyan Tree

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These wrinkled barks and uncontrolled branches, oh, I am still growing. I am too old already. But why don’t I stop growing? I am called as the second largest tree in Asia. I am a Banyan Tree. I live in the hills of Rajarani, Dhankuta which lies in the eastern part of Nepal. My place is beautiful. I occupy a lot of space. When it rains, I am the one who gets the most water. I have a lot of friends around me, some of them are cut down and the most of them are too young. May be because of my popularity, nobody tries to cut me down. I am blessed.

There are lots of birds in my branches all the time. They sing beautiful songs to me. Some goats enjoy sitting in my shade. I love animals. Sometimes fox, monkey and deer visit me. I hate those people who come to visit me from other places. They come in huge masses. They come in the vehicles that produce irritating noises. All my birds run away because of that noise. Their vehicles also produce polluted air. Ah, I hate that smell. They take a lot of pictures with me. They bring foods wrapped up in plastics to enjoy eating in my shade. But the sad thing is, they leave their wrappers here. These plastics do not decay. They stick to the soil and make my periphery dirty. The plastic wrappers and bottles do not let the rain enter into soil. It is hard to be the second largest tree, people come to visit very often and make my place unfavorable to live in.


I have a visitor right now. Ah, she is in a vehicle too. I know she is coming towards me. I am scared of the noise and the smoke that her vehicle is going to bring. She is almost here. Wait, she has a different vehicle. Oh, she is on a bicycle. So, it doesn’t produce any sound or requires no fuel. I am glad at least I do not have to go through pollution today. She seems happy. I can see her enjoying the sound of the birds in my branches. Even the birds didn’t fly away today.
It has been a while; she has been asleep in my lowest branch. She might be tired. I feel nice to provide a comfortable bed for her. She might be awake any minute because it has started to drizzle. My leaves shall protect her from most of the drizzle but even few drops in her face can make her awake. I should be really attentive because she is my guest for now.

Now she wakes, all happy and fresh. Damn it, she unwraps plastic for cookies. She might be hungry. I hate this habit of human beings because I hate plastic. She has finished eating the cookies. Wow, she just kept the plastics inside her bag. She did not throw it next to me. I am glad to meet her. I wish all the human beings would do the same.

It seems she is about to leave now as she is getting up. Ah, she is picking some old plastics around me and collecting it in her bag. It is a great relief for me. I feel clean already. May be because I provided her a shade and a branch to sleep, she is returning the favor by cleaning my place. She is leaving now. If only I could thank her for what she did.

I was wrong. All the human beings are not same after all. Some are kind and love us as well. I wish everyday at least one human being like her visits me. I would love to provide my shade and coolness. I would enjoy their company. I am old already, but these branches have become stronger. These branches would love to be the roof while you want shade and these leaves would always provide cool air. But, Dear Human Being, do not bring plastics with you, even if you do, please kindly take it away. Do not scare my birds with the sound of your vehicle and please do not create air pollution in my place, a gentle request.

Aleena Rayamajhi
(It is an imaginary narration of the giant Banyan Tree; I had a bicycle ride from Dharan to Rajarani; on reaching there, I made it to the Banyan tree. I enjoyed the shade and loved it. Go green!)

Published by

Aleena Rayamajhi

I'm a social animal.

10 thoughts on “The Giant Banyan Tree”

  1. Loved it so much Dear
    I always have a different perspective about you whenever I read one of you blog
    Keep going

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