Simple Life Lessons

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Are you not being able to be happy because you are too busy? You can pass smiles to people on your way to office or college. I bet you will not just have a good day, but even they will have a good day too. It doesn’t require much to be happy. Helping someone without wishing something in return also makes you happy. People go places, spend money and time in search of happiness while they can find it everywhere around them. Unplanned kind actions give more happiness than the planned ones. That’s why, we must be active all the time and enjoy every moment of life. Because happiness isn’t something we search for, but it is something that we create for ourselves. Do you know something? If you are happy, you seem younger than you are.


What are you scared of? Why don’t you fulfill your small wishes rather than depriving them? You live for yourself first, and then only for your parents or loved ones. If you are living for others, you are not living; you are just pretending. You should not be scared of doing things that provide excitement and thrills in your life as long as they do not harm others. What can be the worst? You will die, right? Everyone has to die someday, so live up when you still have time rather than silently waiting for your death. Make your every action valuable.

Freedom is our top priority. If one has to choose between love and freedom, the one surely chooses freedom. If he/she chooses love instead of freedom, it will be hard to remain happy afterwards. If you are a parent, remember something, right freedom is the best gift you can give your child. Your child is a free bird, and if you deprive him/her with right freedom, your child is the bird whose leg is attached by a string that allows it to see only a part of the sky. If you are a child, remember something, your parents’ can only provide you good education, but not the good life, do not blame your parents if you misuse your freedom in wrong way and end up into greater life problems, because with freedom comes responsibilities.

When it comes to beauty, we automatically respect a bit more to a person who is comparatively more beautiful. Everyone is not born beautiful, but everyone wants to be. If one is not born beautiful, one can groom him/herself to be beautiful. When we talk about beauty, it just doesn’t mean the face only. It is beyond. What if the face is beautiful but the character isn’t? I believe one should always find out time for themselves. No matter how busy is the schedule, we can always find out time for activities that will not allow our mind to be dull. We can always involve in swimming, running or/and sports because it is necessary for our body to be in good shape. And to intensify inner beauty, one can read good books, attend seminars, and improve public speaking capacity which gradually increases confidence. And, my dear friend, beauty is over all about confidence. If you are confident enough, you are beautiful for yourself, and that is the only thing that matters the most.

These days, people are usually depressed, some have academic problems, some have career problems, some have health issues and some have love problems. The youths that are depressed, are not capable to handle it. Most of the adults are depressed, but are still living the life as if they are fine. Do you know the root cause of depression? It is “free time”. You are depressed because you over think. The problem that you are facing has tremendous solutions. But, your mind scares you by magnifying the problem rather than giving you the solution. The mind that is always busy, has no time for such horrible thoughts. The least you can do to keep your mind busy is reading a good book. The most you can do to keep your mind busy is travel.

The choice is yours, either be ordinary or be happy. Life is worth only if you are happy. Happiness is a feeling and has no price. The lessons are simple and I bet that you already knew it. May be, you needed a friend like me, who could remind you of these. Be productive, not because your family or society expects a lot from you, but because you are here to be better than you were yesterday. Spread love, help and smile and see how ordinary things around you change.

Aleena Rayamajhi

Published by

Aleena Rayamajhi

I'm a social animal.

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