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One day, you wake up in the morning, and you are 23. You feel older suddenly. You question yourself: “What do you have? Are you graduated? Do you have a good job? Are you married or seeing someone?” If your answer is NO, you are suddenly depressed.

This is a human made boundary. The human being has given you an age criteria to get your degree, get your first job, find your soul mate, marry, have kids, and be rich. If you are not doing this, you are doing it wrong. This is something that has been followed up from generations, and if today you are going against this stereotype, you are hardly accepted in the society.


Marriage & being rich have always been the ultimate goals of human beings. Either you become rich through corruption, or robbery, or harming someone, it does not matter. If you are sad with your partner in your after-marriage life, it does not really matter. What really matters are, you need to be wealthy, and you need not end up alone in life. Having a degree is so important that, it does not matter if you are willingly getting one, or getting it just to be accepted in the society.

Lets peek into the point when the boundary was set. Who set the age boundary? Our ancestors, right? The average life expectancy in the pre-modern & poor world was 30 years. Gradually, the beginning of 19th century led the life expectancy to increase up to 60 years. Sixty years, really? So, you were supposed to die at the age of sixty years! Therefore, you were forced to marry by your parents or grandparents before you were 20 or even 15 just because they could hold their grand children before they died. What is the life expectancy today? Have you heard most of the people in Asian countries like Japan live more than 100 years? Marrying at 20 today will let you see your great-great-grand children, and you might not even die after that. Oops!

You see, there is this important point we are missing. Today, it should not matter even if you get your first degree at the age of forty. It does not matter if you are single at the age of 35. There is no rushing into decisions that are made with the fear of feeling old. You are not old, unless you feel it. So, what should be the ultimate goal, then? Being HAPPY!

Human beings have seen a lot already with so many beautiful inventions. The human being should be free to make more beautiful inventions. When do you get your creativity and inventions? It is when you have no boundaries, or restrictions, or responsibilities, or fear. Keeping the age aside, you should do everything that will provide you happiness.

A degree is important, so are marriage & wealth. But it can wait for the right time. Age is just a random thing that goes along with time, but does not tell you about the right time. Your hard work will surely make you a wealthy person someday, your soul mate will surely find a charm about you someday, but that someday could be little later too, doesn’t matter.

Corbin Kentucky founded KFC at the age of 65. If he really cared about his age or society, would he have achieved so much or give so much to the society? You can zip the mouths of people easily once you have achieved your dreams.

Today, a 50 years aged man is hitting the gym to get the triceps & six packs that he had no time to get while he was in his twenties. A woman of age 45 is taking the ballet lessons. People of all ages are involving into travels, paintings, music, sports, and every other things that make them feel happier. They have understood something that the rest of the people have not. They have realized that it is their life, and it has nothing to do with age, but only with happiness. They are doing it right.

Today I’m 23, I have barely achieved anything. But, I know one day I’ll. I’ll live my life with my own terms, without setting any boundaries. If I’m doing it right, and doing it for my happiness, without harming another soul, I’m sure I’ll achieve all my dreams. May be my dreams do not converge with stereotype dreams, but this is how I wish to live my life. One has a right to live their life in their own ways. There should be no competition in living an amazing life; because the definition to an amazing life varies from one person to another, and yes, it should. The ultimate goal always should be HAPPINESS!

Aleena Rayamajhi

What’s your age again?

Published by

Aleena Rayamajhi

I'm a social animal.

7 thoughts on “WHAT’S WITH THE AGE?”

  1. You own soul full of happiness is the most precious thing you may earn in entire life, either at the age of 15 or at the age of 95 doesn’t matters!!!!!

      1. Well said friend..i am touched with your flow of pouring those facts which might have never been a part of random thoughts for some folks around us about the importance of time…

  2. You have already achieved this richness of “Happiness” who could think to this level and at the same time inspire others. Such a lovely writer you are Ali. I’m always inspired by you. Well almost read all your blogs and this one’s my fav. ❤️

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