The Remaining Happiness!

Sharing is caring!

If an engineer wants to put ‘Er.’ before his name, let him do that. If a medical student wants to wear the white coat even outside the college, let her do that. If people want to show their acting skills through TikTok, let them do that. If people like to make tremendous posts all about a single football match in Facebook, let them do that too. Don’t you see their happiness in it?

What is happiness? It is something that will let you forget all the bad times, dead lines, health issues, money crisis, academical pressure, and let you enjoy in the moment.

Happiness does not have to always be in poetry, music, playing sport, singing, or writing. It can be at any sort of things depending on the individuals.

Happiness has become so rare these days that people are rarely smiling. Even if they are smiling, most of the times it is a fake one. Why? Because society wants you to do this, society hates when you do that and blah blah.

If someone wants to share their life moments, simply listen to it. Sometimes, just giving your ears to someone or listening them helps a lot to recover their lost happiness. Your simple feed back like ‘well done’, or ‘good try’ can multiply their happiness!

Yes, one has to be bold and honest while giving a feed back, but don’t you think there can be different ways to deliver the same speech? Your words can hurt someone and snatch that little happiness from them. If you have no source of happiness of your own, you do not have the right to snatch the other people’s happiness either.

Being judgmental is easy. But the results are terrifying sometimes. It can lead to create a hole in the heart of the one who you pass a comment at. That hole shall never be filled again, never.

If someone is happy with something they are doing, please don’t put an effort to destroy that happiness. We are living in a society with so many rules. Who made these rules? The majority, right? Does that mean whatever the majority vote for is correct and the minority are always wrong? One can have different perception to life, respect that.

Remember, everyone has one life. Everyone is a guest here. What is the point in making another person down with a lot of efforts? That is not your happiness but simply your selfishness.


Aleena Rayamajhi | 09/09/2019

Published by

Aleena Rayamajhi

I'm a social animal.

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