Not everyone is fortunate with everything in life. Some are having economic problems, some are facing health crisis, some cannot bond with their families, some are facing career or academic related problems, some are having mental health issues, and the rest are failing at love. You & I, both know, what your life’s story is. This is because, I’m your soul, and I have witnessed it all. I want to confess something to you, and it goes like this.
I know you are trying your best. You have been compromising all your life for somebody else, your sibling & parents. Looking at you, it does not seem you are weak at any point. But I know you have been struggling all your life. You did not receive enough love growing up. Nobody told you they were proud of you no matter how hard you tried. Most of your efforts were not seen, not appreciated enough. They took your credits, but you let that sink in.
Well, how are you still standing strong? Despite all that life has put you through, you made it to this point. Though you had to forget some of your dreams, and some memories bring all the pain back in your life, you are continuing. You haven’t quitted yet. What surprises me the most is, with all that broken heart, you still can put a smile on your face.
I’ll tell you something right now. Do not let anyone put you down, not even the person who you love the most. Because, everyone except you, is not you and they do not know your part of the story. It is very easy to spit out something harsh, that’s what they have done to you all their life, but they should not matter to you at all. What matters to you is your dreams, and happiness.
People will try to bring you down, but they are not doing it on purpose either. Everyone is hollow inside. They have had a horrible experience too, just like you. That’s all. So, all you are doing from today onwards is forgetting that and moving on. Forget what they did to you and what they told you. Something greater is on your way.
I’m proud of how you managed to face all of your problems without even sharing it with anyone. That has always been your remarkable move. Keep doing that. And, if you ever feel stupid, or failing, it is just a phase. It will pass. Just like that phase in your life when you were shattered and could not decide what to do next. But it passed, right? And, here you are. You made it. Just like that phase, this phase will pass as well.
You need to have faith on yourself. Hard work & dedication is the key. Just work for your dreams. I know you feel very low sometimes and feel like quitting it right away. But I’m fascinated by your actions. You actually never quit, and the next day, you are back to working. That’s the best thing I find about you.
Aleena Rayamajhi
Well Said 🙂
Thanks Kiran <3