Monetizing Hobby – Convert Your Hobby Into Money

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If you have not converted your hobby into money yet, you might find this blog helpful. I do not mean that you should view everything with an intention of making an income, but if you are doing something else to make money, why not also make money out of the best thing you like to do? An extra income sounds cool too.

Hobbies are part of human life. But not everyone has thought or put any effort into converting a hobby into an income source. First of all, one has to identify what one likes to do the most. Though you may assume that thing only deserves the title of the hobby, there’s still a chance to make money out of it. It can either be a money-making business venture or you turn into a freelancer and sell your skill.


Before starting the monetization process, you should be at least confident enough to tell yourself that you know what you are doing. When you do something with all your heart and time, you are an expert of a kind in that field. Well, there’s always a bigger fish in the ocean though, and there’s always enough space for improvement. You are just a little dedication, hard work, and motivation behind making money out of your hobby.

 Most of us like to involve in hobbies in our spare time. It kills our boredom, overthinking, anxiety and at the same time, there’s an outcome in a certain form. You flourish your hobby day by day and it saves you from turning into a robot. Hobbies keep you creative and engaged. When you start making money out of it, there’s a little pressure though, because at the beginning you did it in your spare time, but now you will have to make time for it. But it is still worth it.

How to monetize your hobby?

The Internet has made the world a small place. Anything that goes into the Internet, can be reached into every individual’s eyes. That’s the power of the Internet. In a world full of Tik Tok videos and commercial pages, how about you put a portfolio of your hobby into the Internet too? People might judge you at the beginning, but once you get a hold of the right community, you can sell your hobby outcomes.

If you like to make sketches, or paintings of any sort, or even random doodles, you can place them on the Internet and grow your audience. You might not be able to engage many people on your posts at the beginning, but after a certain time, you might have a good income out of the outcome that comes through your spare time. You do not always have to sell the objects like sketches, you can show the procedure to make sketches via YouTube and while you are helping the beginners, you also earn some money.

This was just one example. Hobbies like crafting, baking, web designing, coding, sports, and writing can be easily sold. But are we limited to these when it comes to the hobby? Not. Any continuous activity that you like to do while you are free comes under hobbies. Just be confident enough to start. Once you have started, you are halfway to your goal.

What’s stopping you?

The major problem behind the initiation is fear. Though we trust our skill, we are not confident enough to sell it. We take life too seriously and fear every step like initiating small businesses or freelancing. We are ready to spend hours on hobbies but when it comes to selling them, we do not take them seriously. Remember one thing: trying to monetize your hobby and failing is OKAY. But not trying at all is regretful till the end of your life. Even if you fail to monetize the hobby, you will still have the same joy and satisfaction while doing it. If you do not get the same satisfaction with your hobby after the failure, it was never your hobby.

But not every outstanding hobby outcome gets rewarded and not every rewarded outcome comes through hardship. It is not easy, but with correct preparation and strategic execution, there will be a positive result. You need to give your hundred percent dedication and never give up. Along with this, be smart, do research, and allocate time to think outside the box, and put complete effort to make it work.

So, you do not have any hobbies? 

It is completely fine if you do not have a hobby. Many people say using social media is all that they do in their spare time. What do you do on social media? Watch memes? How about you create your memes and put them on your page and once you have enough followers, you use it to make money?

Oh, so all you do is watch movies and series? How about you write their reviews and upload them? Oh, so you do not have good writing skill? How about you record them and upload them? If you do not want any of these and feel perfectly fine with the current situation, you are on the wrong page right now.

There are infinite options and do not ever feel like you have no hobbies. Just think of the time when you are free, what do you like to do at that time? If sleeping is your answer while your health condition does not require it and you have had enough rest already you are not lacking hobbies, but you are just a lazy piece of shit.

Aleena Rayamajhi

Published by

Aleena Rayamajhi

I'm a social animal.

12 thoughts on “Monetizing Hobby – Convert Your Hobby Into Money”

  1. Yes, it is fear to be judged by peoole is main reason for supressing own voice and hobby and also Last line is going to hit many people?

  2. Hey, Aleena
    It’s always good to read your writing. I have also created my blog site but couldn’t manage my time to write. What do you suggest me, what should I do to manage some of my time for writing?

    1. If you have no time to write, maybe writing has never been your passion. But I will suggest you to make a routine, and set multiple reminders, and stress yourself to at least begin something. Recall what you do in a day, and cut things that you find unnecessary and replace that time with writing. Best wishes!

  3. You are a very practical person. I was and I am always inspired and energized by your diverse activities and dedication you put on.
    This blog is really pushing for me. Love you.

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