Take a Lazy Day Off in My Style!

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It is obvious for y’all to call yourself a completely occupied person who does not have time to have a lazy day off. Trust me, I’m a full-time engineer and a part time writer who is pursuing two degrees at the same time. Life is a hella rollercoaster ride on weekdays, but I can still manage to have a lazy day off once a week so that no matter how rough my week goes, or how high my anxiety reaches, I still don’t go crazy.

I understand you have ambitions and goals to crush, and you have 144 hours a week (24 * 6) for that. If you allow yourself 24 hours of lazy time a week, you will be surprised with how efficiently your body shall work for the rest of the six days.


I usually spend my Saturdays traveling, but when I’m not traveling, I make sure I am as lazy as possible on this day.

Waking up natural / Naps:

I like to sleep late on Friday night by watching a movie, reading a book, or simply watching videos on YouTube. Before sleeping, I turn off the alarm and let my body decide what time I’ll open my eyes on Saturday. If you are an early bird, take multiple naps, and achieve the full sleeping hours required by your body. Sleep is essential and no matter what, a lazy day without sleep is not exactly a lazy day.

Take a long shower and wear comfy clothes:

To make the best out of a lazy day, the shower is a must! On winter mornings, I like to shower with medium-hot water, and on summer mornings, with warm water. Make your shower a long one. Play your favorite playlist. Wear the most comfortable clothes so that you are fully relaxed and comfortable. Avoid makeups, deodorant, and tight hair ties on this day! Moisturize yourself and enjoy being the natural you.

Eat your favorite food – Cook or order:

You do not have to cook food on your lazy day unless it makes you happy. If you are a gym or yoga freak who follows a strict diet, you can have a cheat meal on your lazy day. I go to the gym six days a week and skip dinner on weekdays. But on my lazy day off, I like to eat anything that I’m craving for. Sometimes I also cook my food as I do not have time to cook food on weekdays. But the best way to celebrate a lazy day is by ordering your favorite food from your favorite restaurant.

Play music to break the talking of your mind:

If you are not a music person who listens to music every day, you cut off music from your life without your consciousness. On my lazy day, I make sure I listen to my favorite genre of music while showering, cooking a meal, napping, and doing my favorite activity. It helps me to concentrate on what I’m doing and does not let my mind think of unnecessary stuff. I feel more relaxed and happier with the music playing in the background.

Allocate time for your hobbies:

When I have a day off, I like to do things like paint, write, fill my journal, and so on. I have realized that when I’m spending time on my hobbies, I’m anxiety-free, stress-free, and my mind is completely focused on what I’m doing. This helps me to relax and reset my body for regular activities from the next day. One does not need to have the perfect skill to start a hobby. And, in case one does not have any hobby, sitting under the sun, staring at the stars, playing with the pets, taking a short walk around the house can also help one to kickstart weekday with full energy.

Do some random activity: 

If you still have time on your lazy day, you can watch a movie while munching on some snacks, read a book with a perfect cup of coffee, or even have a phone call or video call with your best friend or family. Having free time on your lazy day does not mean you should continue your official work unless it is necessary. Spend some quality time with yourself and make yourself feel special with special treatment.

Prepare yourself for a brand-new week:

It is better to sleep early on your lazy day so that you do not start a new week with an exhausted body and mind. But before collapsing into bed, make a list of activities you will be doing in the new week. Prepare your to-do-list and tick it off after it has been done. This will help you keep track of activities that are essential and are under your priority.

Aleena Rayamajhi

Published by

Aleena Rayamajhi

I'm a social animal.

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