Look At That Man; A Complete Shame!

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(Not for a wicked, stupid, or humorless mind. Below lies entirely sarcastic content.)

What if it was a reverse case like this..

Just look at those men in the corner of the street. Look how easily they can laugh, even though they know that they are being watched by several women in the same street. Where did their manners go? Didn’t their father teach them appropriate behaviors?


They are also revealing their arms and legs. Are we supposed to close our eyes even while walking in the streets now? Did we raise our young boys to show us this day? Why are they even wearing shorts and tees? It is just 35 degrees today. Oh, look at that leg anyway! The horrible hairs. Shouldn’t tiny boys get those hairs off them? Who will marry them with that hair?

They seem of age around eighteen. Shouldn’t they be married by now? If this is the case, they might remain unmarried forever and be burden to their mothers. Even if they get married, with such attitude, they will not be a good husband.

And, are not they too fat for this age? At our age, we used to starve till we had that zero figure. And, the males these days are becoming ugly husbands, and bringing their wives down. Poor wife, what a shame to introduce such a fat husband to her colleagues or friends.

A pearl is formed inside shells. It is covered, protected, and ready to be worn or seen only when it is matured enough and in safe hands. A man is as precious as a pearl. Only after a man is tied up to a woman with a thread of marriage, he is in safe hands. Thus, only married men are free to express themselves, to the world, like a pearl, like an ornament.

Because, a man being sensitive, he has to be within the protection. He should hide his face under that cloth and do whatever his wife asks him to do. Only when a husband is at home, looking after the kids, the kids will learn good habits and a family will be a happier one.

What if he shows some portion of his body and lust other women around? A woman cannot be blamed for looking at the body of the man, if the man is showing it himself. “Hey wives, keep your husbands inside that four walls and please do not let them be the reason behind all these bad thoughts inside the minds of the women.”

Sometimes, we do feel harsh. If both the husband and wife worked together for family, the economic burden would be reduced somehow. But, these men should not be provided with complete freedom; only a portion of it at a time. With complete freedom, they might go vulnerable.

Let them shout, scream and protest for whatsoever “men’s rights”. They will be tired of it and get back into kitchen somehow, which is the actual place where they belong. After all, deep down, a silent man brings peace and prosperity.

They should do what they are good at, i.e. looking after kitchen and kids. Because, the life of a man lies in the good health and happiness of all the family members. His personal life is a secondary matter. Thus, do not let a man see more of a world. That can encounter imbalance in this world. Let a man be a second human being as always.

Aleena Rayamajhi

“Happy New Year 2076 BS, Nepal!”

Published by

Aleena Rayamajhi

I'm a social animal.

2 thoughts on “Look At That Man; A Complete Shame!”

  1. Nicely, sarcastically, satirically written against the mainstream mindset of the society but i insist being a man isnt easy in todays society with tonnes of load of responsibilities that a society and the petriarchy has put on us.

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