My Body: None of Your Business | Stop Body Shaming

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A campaign started by the Female Champions 2019
In frame – Champion Aleena Rayamajhi

Do not ask me who I’m, because, I’m playing several roles today. I’m every individual that has been a victim of your harsh words. I’ll make you think about every individual in your entire life to whom you have spoken in a way that made the person feel inferior, unwanted, left out, and sad.

Do you remember the little boy with really dark skin in your neighborhood when you were 9; everyone got to play cricket and that boy ended up at the corner just hoping to get to play along with you? Remember how you bullied that little boy for not having a fairer skin and making him cry every day? Even today he is scared of people and always likes to stay alone. I’m that little dark boy.


Do you remember that teacher who was bald? You and your friends called him with nasty names and always made him feel ugly in entire school. He is 40 years old today and is still unmarried. He lost his confidence and thought he does not deserve a woman because he was ugly. I’m that bald teacher.

Remember that girl in 9th grade? She had big matured body. You all made fun of her. She was suffering from Progeria, which made her to have her body grow faster than the age. She skipped many classes every week to avoid you and your not-so-funny-jokes about her breasts & thighs. She was starving to death until she had to leave the school! I’m that matured girl with big body.

Do you remember that skinny girl in your high school? You and your group of friends always whistled at her and reminded her to eat more food. She was suffering from diabetes and could not gain weight despite eating a lot. She was so stressed that she had to drop out from high school. She went into depression and is taking medication lately. I’m that skinny girl.

Do you remember that colleague of yours who had only one arm? You always made him feel unwanted by pointing out what things he could not do instead of pointing out how greatly he could do the remaining things. He was giving his best at work but you always complaint your boss that he was unable to do certain things and does not deserve to be at work. He is jobless now, and is searching for a new job to feed his family. I’m that disable man.

The thing is, it is not the strangers who point out flaws in me. It is you (family, friends, students, relatives, and colleagues) who constantly remind me of my flaws. You know me a little more than those strangers, right? But yet add more sadness in my life. I’m doing my best to be equally accepted in the society, okay? I know I’ve a big body, and it is fine to remind me to take care of my weight as I might suffer from diseases later. But, there are ways to tell me, okay? I can always distinguish an advice, a joke, & a humiliation coated with joke. Don’t you think I’m more worried about my body than you? Don’t you think I’m constantly working with my body to be better every day?

Today I stand strong, and remind you to do better in your life. I remind you that my body is none of your business. You do not know my story; therefore, you do not put any kind of shame on me, alright? If you feel I’m somehow less than you, you keep it with yourself. The world is a home for everyone. Nobody is perfect here, but everyone gets to live their life with their own choices as long as s/he does not harm another being!

You might think you were playing, or trying to seek attention by putting me down, but you are not just putting me down, but you are breaking me. I’m becoming weaker every day. Please be human. I do not want to be the victim of your harsh words anymore. #StopBodyShaming

Part of a campaign started by The Female Champions 2019.
Author: Champion Aleena Rayamajhi

Published by

Aleena Rayamajhi

I'm a social animal.