That Voice Inside Your Head!

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There is a weird voice inside you that you are using right now to read this text. This voice is calm, and comes despite a sealed mouth. Wow, this voice is so loud and clear, yet nobody can hear it except you. You cannot stop not speaking inside your head. As if there’s another person trapped inside of you, who has this habit of chattering or this person has to be simply the most curious of all.

Where does this voice come from? Like a commentator who does not play but instead makes comments, this voice is simply commenting about you, about everyone it sees, and makes you think harder. Well, is this your great-great-grand parent who is just obsessed with making your life better? Or is this simply you?


You are so used to this inner voice, you never feel lonely. Even if you are doing nothing, this voice does not rest. It keeps on making a conversation and keeps you engaged every time and you do not even notice that because you are completely used to it. The good thing is – the voice’s and your sleeping time always coincides.

Whatever it be, it keeps you in right track unless you let it overrule you. It never lets you be bored, and you feel you are enough for yourself because you are never alone. Have you ever noticed when does this inner voice become helpful and when does it become an irksome?

Whenever you are doing some kind of work, like playing a videogame, or running a marathon, this voice is guiding you. It lets you concentrate, and binds you with what’s happening. But suddenly when you remember there’s a paper you need to work on, the voice asks you to play one last match in the video game. Or, when you are almost about to finish the marathon, it says it cannot run anymore, and you should probably stop.

Even if the voice inside your head is of your great-great grand parent, and the voice is trying to make you a better person, sometimes, your inner voice does not know your strength. When you feel like the inner voice is taking you off track, you need to overrule it instead of letting it overrule you.

When you keep on listening to your inner voice, you stop working. You become so used to it, there’s a term ‘over-thinking’ that’s what happens to you. Well, thinking is good, but over thinking leads to misery. This is the starting phase when you will require pills to simply make that inner voice inside of you to STOP.

Let’s talk about me. When I was doing a bungee jump, for three seconds, right after the fall, my inner voice disappeared. Yep, that was for the first time it happened. It was a weird experience, but that 3 seconds were simply cool. I do not mean that inner voices are dangerous. Everyone has it. Some might have a dominant one, while others might have a submissive one.

You consume weed, or take some kind of drugs, or simply alcohol. This diverts the inner voice inside of you. You feel consuming these have made you overrule your inner voice. You try meditation, do yoga, and find your inner voice focused and following your commands. Well, different people do different things, and the purpose is common, to control the voice inside of you.

No matter what you do, make sure you are on a right track. And, nobody knows your right track better than you yourself.

Aleena Rayamajhi

Published by

Aleena Rayamajhi

I'm a social animal.

5 thoughts on “That Voice Inside Your Head!”

  1. That’s absolutely on point. Everyone has inner voice no matter the kind of people they are. Lots of love and Happy New Year. 🙂

  2. At first i was surprised how it relates me so much. Then i realized this has been me all along. I mean i too overthink. The voice you told here is something i have conversation with. But there’s deeper voice, i think that controls that voice too, which can create conversation. I wanna say is that we are meant to listen to the deeper one cause that’s our instinct, our intuition and what we are. We may have a voice riding with us everytime. But we will always listen the deeper ones.

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