Take a Lazy Day Off in My Style!

It is obvious for y’all to call yourself a completely occupied person who does not have time to have a lazy day off. Trust me, I’m a full-time engineer and a part time writer who is pursuing two degrees at the same time. Life is a hella rollercoaster ride on weekdays, but I can still manage to have a lazy day off once a week so that no matter how rough my week goes, or how high my anxiety reaches, I still don’t go crazy.

I understand you have ambitions and goals to crush, and you have 144 hours a week (24 * 6) for that. If you allow yourself 24 hours of lazy time a week, you will be surprised with how efficiently your body shall work for the rest of the six days.

I usually spend my Saturdays traveling, but when I’m not traveling, I make sure I am as lazy as possible on this day.

Waking up natural / Naps:

I like to sleep late on Friday night by watching a movie, reading a book, or simply watching videos on YouTube. Before sleeping, I turn off the alarm and let my body decide what time I’ll open my eyes on Saturday. If you are an early bird, take multiple naps, and achieve the full sleeping hours required by your body. Sleep is essential and no matter what, a lazy day without sleep is not exactly a lazy day.

Take a long shower and wear comfy clothes:

To make the best out of a lazy day, the shower is a must! On winter mornings, I like to shower with medium-hot water, and on summer mornings, with warm water. Make your shower a long one. Play your favorite playlist. Wear the most comfortable clothes so that you are fully relaxed and comfortable. Avoid makeups, deodorant, and tight hair ties on this day! Moisturize yourself and enjoy being the natural you.

Eat your favorite food – Cook or order:

You do not have to cook food on your lazy day unless it makes you happy. If you are a gym or yoga freak who follows a strict diet, you can have a cheat meal on your lazy day. I go to the gym six days a week and skip dinner on weekdays. But on my lazy day off, I like to eat anything that I’m craving for. Sometimes I also cook my food as I do not have time to cook food on weekdays. But the best way to celebrate a lazy day is by ordering your favorite food from your favorite restaurant.

Play music to break the talking of your mind:

If you are not a music person who listens to music every day, you cut off music from your life without your consciousness. On my lazy day, I make sure I listen to my favorite genre of music while showering, cooking a meal, napping, and doing my favorite activity. It helps me to concentrate on what I’m doing and does not let my mind think of unnecessary stuff. I feel more relaxed and happier with the music playing in the background.

Allocate time for your hobbies:

When I have a day off, I like to do things like paint, write, fill my journal, and so on. I have realized that when I’m spending time on my hobbies, I’m anxiety-free, stress-free, and my mind is completely focused on what I’m doing. This helps me to relax and reset my body for regular activities from the next day. One does not need to have the perfect skill to start a hobby. And, in case one does not have any hobby, sitting under the sun, staring at the stars, playing with the pets, taking a short walk around the house can also help one to kickstart weekday with full energy.

Do some random activity: 

If you still have time on your lazy day, you can watch a movie while munching on some snacks, read a book with a perfect cup of coffee, or even have a phone call or video call with your best friend or family. Having free time on your lazy day does not mean you should continue your official work unless it is necessary. Spend some quality time with yourself and make yourself feel special with special treatment.

Prepare yourself for a brand-new week:

It is better to sleep early on your lazy day so that you do not start a new week with an exhausted body and mind. But before collapsing into bed, make a list of activities you will be doing in the new week. Prepare your to-do-list and tick it off after it has been done. This will help you keep track of activities that are essential and are under your priority.

Aleena Rayamajhi

Bhakka | The Taste of Eastern Terai in Rice Cake

Bhakka and aalu chop cooked on roadside of Rangeli city

One ingredient meal – Bhakka is a popular winter street food of Eastern Terai. A traditional delicacy of Tharus of Eastern Terai of Nepal, Bhakka is made with steamed rice flour and usually served with spicy tomato and coriander pickle. Started as a traditional dish of the Rajbanshi community of the Tharu ethnic group, it has become a go-to meal in the winter mornings for people who want to skip breakfast.

A couple selling Bhakka and aalu chop on roadside of Biratnagar city

Though it fits perfectly on your palm, carry it on paper to avoid skin burn. Yes, Bhakka is served hot! If you are in or around Eastern Terai in districts like Morang and Jhapa, go out on a morning walk between 6 am to 9 am and you will find men and women selling Bhakka on roadsides occupying a small space.

The Bhakka is neither sweet nor salty, so it is up to you, what kind of taste you want to have. Mostly people like it with a salty achaar. You can buy one Bhakka for the price between NPR 5 to NPR 10 depending upon the size and for the same price, achaar (pickle) is complementary. The roadside Bhakka goes well with the roadside aalu chop (potato fried dish).  

A Tharu woman selling Bhakka and aalu chop on roadside of Rangeli

Every piece of Bhakka or rice cake holds Tharu culture and with the price of NPR 10, you get the taste of the entire Eastern Terai, and get to eat the food cooked in a traditional Chulo, in a traditional clay pot, by traditional Tharu people (mainly women). Doesn’t it sound exotic and exciting?

The only sad thing about Bhakka is one has to wait till winter to eat it in traditional way. These days, it is getting popular in cities like Kathmandu and one can eat it any day of the year in cafes. But trust me, nothing comes close to eating Bhakka at roadside in early mornings of winter in cities of Eastern Terai. Well, if you talk about hygiene and health, yes, the roadside food cannot be as healthy as the one cooked inside four walls, and it is up to you if you want to risk a little to taste outstanding roadside heaven!

Process of cooking Bhakka over clay pot under muslin cloth

Here’s the recipe if you want to create a little happiness on your own:

First of all, soak rice, grind it to prepare flour. Sprinkle some water to lightly moist it. Massage the rice with palm well and prepare a sand-like texture. Now, steam water in an earthen pot and cover the narrow opening with a clean muslin cloth where the rice cake sits. Prepare a small cake out of the rice and put it over the cloth after water in the pot begins to steam. Cover the cake with a lid and cook for 30 seconds or a minute depending upon the temperature of the water.

Aleena Rayamajhi

Monetizing Hobby – Convert Your Hobby Into Money

If you have not converted your hobby into money yet, you might find this blog helpful. I do not mean that you should view everything with an intention of making an income, but if you are doing something else to make money, why not also make money out of the best thing you like to do? An extra income sounds cool too.

Hobbies are part of human life. But not everyone has thought or put any effort into converting a hobby into an income source. First of all, one has to identify what one likes to do the most. Though you may assume that thing only deserves the title of the hobby, there’s still a chance to make money out of it. It can either be a money-making business venture or you turn into a freelancer and sell your skill.

Before starting the monetization process, you should be at least confident enough to tell yourself that you know what you are doing. When you do something with all your heart and time, you are an expert of a kind in that field. Well, there’s always a bigger fish in the ocean though, and there’s always enough space for improvement. You are just a little dedication, hard work, and motivation behind making money out of your hobby.

 Most of us like to involve in hobbies in our spare time. It kills our boredom, overthinking, anxiety and at the same time, there’s an outcome in a certain form. You flourish your hobby day by day and it saves you from turning into a robot. Hobbies keep you creative and engaged. When you start making money out of it, there’s a little pressure though, because at the beginning you did it in your spare time, but now you will have to make time for it. But it is still worth it.

How to monetize your hobby?

The Internet has made the world a small place. Anything that goes into the Internet, can be reached into every individual’s eyes. That’s the power of the Internet. In a world full of Tik Tok videos and commercial pages, how about you put a portfolio of your hobby into the Internet too? People might judge you at the beginning, but once you get a hold of the right community, you can sell your hobby outcomes.

If you like to make sketches, or paintings of any sort, or even random doodles, you can place them on the Internet and grow your audience. You might not be able to engage many people on your posts at the beginning, but after a certain time, you might have a good income out of the outcome that comes through your spare time. You do not always have to sell the objects like sketches, you can show the procedure to make sketches via YouTube and while you are helping the beginners, you also earn some money.

This was just one example. Hobbies like crafting, baking, web designing, coding, sports, and writing can be easily sold. But are we limited to these when it comes to the hobby? Not. Any continuous activity that you like to do while you are free comes under hobbies. Just be confident enough to start. Once you have started, you are halfway to your goal.

What’s stopping you?

The major problem behind the initiation is fear. Though we trust our skill, we are not confident enough to sell it. We take life too seriously and fear every step like initiating small businesses or freelancing. We are ready to spend hours on hobbies but when it comes to selling them, we do not take them seriously. Remember one thing: trying to monetize your hobby and failing is OKAY. But not trying at all is regretful till the end of your life. Even if you fail to monetize the hobby, you will still have the same joy and satisfaction while doing it. If you do not get the same satisfaction with your hobby after the failure, it was never your hobby.

But not every outstanding hobby outcome gets rewarded and not every rewarded outcome comes through hardship. It is not easy, but with correct preparation and strategic execution, there will be a positive result. You need to give your hundred percent dedication and never give up. Along with this, be smart, do research, and allocate time to think outside the box, and put complete effort to make it work.

So, you do not have any hobbies? 

It is completely fine if you do not have a hobby. Many people say using social media is all that they do in their spare time. What do you do on social media? Watch memes? How about you create your memes and put them on your page and once you have enough followers, you use it to make money?

Oh, so all you do is watch movies and series? How about you write their reviews and upload them? Oh, so you do not have good writing skill? How about you record them and upload them? If you do not want any of these and feel perfectly fine with the current situation, you are on the wrong page right now.

There are infinite options and do not ever feel like you have no hobbies. Just think of the time when you are free, what do you like to do at that time? If sleeping is your answer while your health condition does not require it and you have had enough rest already you are not lacking hobbies, but you are just a lazy piece of shit.

Aleena Rayamajhi

Australian Camp Trek Details From Pokhara

Australian Camp (2,100 m)

Two weeks back, on the month of November, I traveled to Australian Camp. As it was an unplanned trip, I had not collected much information. All I knew was that it was on the same route to Mardi Himal and it was just 1.5 hours of trek from Dhampus. We were a group of six with three bikes. The road trip began from Pokhara and trekking began from Dhampus. In this article, I have put down the researched information along with the information I collected with my visit to the place. Feel free to write me at: [email protected]

On the way to Camp from Dhampus


Australian Camp is located on the top of a beautiful hill. The outstanding weather of the place and views of panoramic mountain ranges like Annapurna South (7219 m), Hounchuli (6440 m), Machhapuchhre (6993 m), and Lamjung Himal make this place lovable. The trail from Dhampus to Australian Camp is full of greenery, jungle, and all you can hear is chirping birds. Depending upon your speed, 1 to 2 hours of trek will take you to the hilltop. The road to Dhampus from Pokhara (25 km) is not bad. Two wheelers and four wheelers can easily make it to Dhampus within 1.5 hours. You can go on a public vehicle like jeep or take a taxi.

Lodge of Australian Camp


Initially Australian Camp was recognized as Thulo Kharka which means big pasture. Locals from villages used to bring their buffalo and cow for grazing. In the late 80s, it is said that the place was visited and camped by trekkers from Austria as they found it beautiful and peaceful. It was then named as Austrian Camp by the locals but due to difficulty in pronouncing it by Nepalese, the name was modified as Australian Camp.

Australian Camp Lodge Garden

Facilities / Services

You can find comfortable lodges with facilities like clean beds, attached bathroom, wifi, and good mobile reception. Mainly the place is popular for camping so it is visited by people in groups. It is one of the common weekend destinations for people in Pokhara and near there.

View from Lodge of Australian Camp

Cost Details:

  • Bike Parking for a day at Dhampus: NPR 100
  • Lodge (two beds) one room: NPR 1,200 to NPR 1,500 (per day)
  • Lunch / Dinner (daal – bhaat): NPR 450 (vegetarian)
  • Firewood (for camping): NPR 1,000


  • Perfect weekend destination from Pokhara
  • Outstanding weather
  • Camping facility
  • Easy trail
Returning back from Camp to Dhampus

Wheels – An Award-Winning Movie Summary

I have watched more than eighty movies in this lockdown period (seven months) and the most fascinating of all has been Wheels. When I found out it has an 8.8 IMDB score, I googled about it. Well, I didn’t find much about the plot and the summary of the movie, which made me want to write about it myself.

Picture Source: Internet

I could relate the movie somehow with the book series by David James Pelzer where he has mentioned about his abusive mother and his life story. If I had not read the book called A Child Called It and its series, I might would judge this movie as a completely fictional one. But as I have read the book, I can agree this drama has a point and yes, the movie has a great story.

Wheels – a 2014 movie directed by Donavon Warren and Timothy Gagliardo, is an Award-Winning drama with Mickey (Donavon Warren) as the lead artist. Mickey is portrayed as a suicidal freak who attempts but fails to suicide at the beginning of the movie to capture attention of the audience as a depressed individual. The movie ends with another dramatic suicide attempt of Mickey where he realizes he wants to live instead! The 2 hours between two failed suicides take the audience into a roller coaster ride of viewing life with different perspectives. The movie adds a lot of curiosity and suspense as the story does not go linearly.

By the name and movie cover, it is quite clear, there has to be two individuals who support themselves with wheels or wheelchairs. Yes, Mickey and his only friend Drake Jones (Pattrick Hume) are handicapped as their lower bodies are paralyzed. I’ll come back to Drake again as he is a shining star of the movie. Both of them require wheelchair to support walking. Here’s another twist! Though both of them use wheelchairs, not both of them are physically handicapped. Mickey is mentally handicapped. That means, it is just inside his mind that he cannot walk. Well, isn’t it quite interesting how our brains can keep us under such an illusion?

Lets get back to why Mickey is suicidal and why is he under such an illusion! The movie begins with his first failed suicide attempt where he tries to slit his wrists but still does not die. Mickey had a tragic childhood. His dad was Police and mostly away from the home. He was living with his mother and an elder brother. Well, his mother was going through some mental illness. If you have read the book by David Pelzer (as mentioned above), you can understand what I mean. Though it has not been mentioned in the movie what kind of illness his mother had, but she was obsessed with killing her children and herself. She attempted to kill the kids by asking them to drink rat poison, detergent, paints, etc. which was found in their stomach once they were taken to hospital by their dad. Later, the mother finally decides to end their and her life by drowning in the bathing tub. She tries to drown Mickey first in the tub, but his brother saves him by pulling her mother’s hair. As Mickey runs out of the house, the mother kills herself and Mickey’s brother by drowning in the tub (that’s what I guess).

The point is, Mickey has no idea how evil or ill his mum had been. His dad tells Mickey that both the mother and the elder brother have left the house but Mickey has no idea that they were no longer alive. Suddenly the movie takes the audience to Mickey’s adulthood where the dad confesses Mickey what had actually happened, while both of them are in the rooftop. Mickey faints after hearing the story and his dad brings him down. After he wakes up, he is in the hospital and his lower body is paralyzed.

Mickey believes his father had been the culprit all the time. He thinks it was his father who asked his mother and elder brother to leave the house, and it was his father who pushed him down the roof. Yes! He thinks he fell down the roof, therefore, his mind tells him his lower body is paralyzed.

Lets bring Drake back to the story! I have never seen such a cool character before! He is just a homeless junkie, who is not afraid of anything. Mickey meets Drake in the street and asks Drake to kill Mickey with a gun for $500 which Drake accepts without thinking much. You can get back to movie cover and notice the guy in the first wheelchair is aiming a gun on the guy in the second wheelchair. Yes, the one with the gun is Drake and the other one is Mickey. Lucky Micky, the gun was blank and boooom they turn out to be best friends in next minute. What more? Mickey, who has never slept with a girl, who had never tried drugs before, and who had zero friends became ‘Drake Number 2’ after his company! Drake took him to brothel, where instead of having sex with the prostitute named Janet (Diana Gettinger), he snorts coke for the first time. He becomes addicted to drugs, and involves in several crimes like robbery, and killing just for money to buy some cocaine.

Unfortunately, two prostitutes – Janet and her friend, cheat both of them and take all their robbed money which was to be handed to Elvis (Nathanyael Gray) – the drug dealer. After they could not return the money to Elvis, they were both scared, well, Drake mainly. Therefore, Drake jumps into the ocean to end his life. What next? The suicidal freak Mickey jumps too. But both of them end up into the nearest island and again fail to kill themselves. Poor Drake tells how he was paralyzed. He confesses he was drunk driving and got into car accident where his pregnant wife dies and he ends up in wheelchair forever. After pleading to Mickey to die peacefully, Mickey asks one last favor with Drake to kill his dad as he had abandoned his mother, brother, and later pushed him off the roof (that’s what he had believed). Drake agrees and they both go to their last mission together.

After reaching his dad’s house, Mickey is enlightened with the reality! His dad again explains what had actually happened and he was never paralyzed because he had never fallen off the roof. After this tragic truth reveal without Mickey being faint, Mickey and Drake both leave the house but are still trying to escape from Elvis (drug dealer). When they both go to Drake’s place to fetch his engagement ring which he wanted to wear while dying, Elvis shows up and shoots Drake while Mickey manages to hide.

Mickey recalls what his dad had said and tries to stand up on his feet and he actually stands up! Then, he goes back to save his only friend’s life who he had considered as his brother eventually (Drake). Well, what next? Mickey shoots Elvis and takes Drake to the same ocean where they had decided to end their lives after the mission was over. As Drake was already injured with the gun shot on his belly, he drowns and dies. Mickey, when he is under the water, realizes that his life had just begun, and he was willing to live now.

He could not kill himself but instead began his new life!

The movie shows how incidents from childhood are attached with individuals and can create a huge hole in a person’s brain. Overall, I loved the drama and its moral. I would blame Mickey’s dad, who did not take Mickey to psychiatrists but instead took things casually. If he had been looked after by professionals, his life might had been better.

But we are looking for an interesting story, right? So, that’s that. Just enjoy!

Aleena Rayamajhi

30 Days of Torture, 4 weeks of Innovation | COVID – 19 Scenario

Imagine this is late 2019. You have a regular life. You are out of your house for 8 to 10 hours every day. This weekend, you just finished reading a paper about how Jews in Germany stayed hidden for years in fear of being murdered during the dictatorship of Adolf Hitler. You tried to imagine yourself in their condition with a squinted face and said – “I would rather kill myself instead of living like that.”

This is May, 2020. You are inside your house locked down for a month already. You do fear Govt. who has made you stay inside. But ultimately, it is not the person but a virus behind your fear. And, the virus does not target Jews but anyone who is outdoors ready to become a target.

Well, nobody knows when this virus will be gone. Just like Jews hid themselves with a hope of coming out when the war was over, we are all hidden inside with same hope. These 30 days have been a universal shut down for Earth because COVID 19 is not just affecting Germany but entire world.

Jews had no food to eat after months or years of hiding themselves. They read same book for years and had no other sources of entertainment. Sounds still painful and harsh as compared to our situation right now, right? Some of us are having harder situation on some places of earth where some of us lack even two times of meal a day. The Govt., some organizations, and people are trying their best to provide food on the plate of less fortunate ones. We should try to share our fortune with them as well in every possible ways. It has become 30 days of torture.

But the scenario is not exactly this everywhere. Most of us are being able to put food on our plate, still have enough sources of entertainment, and are spending our time more or less in an average way. We all wanted to have a big vacation once, didn’t we? Though this was not exactly what we preferred, but because this has happened, one can still make it worthy instead of fussing about what has already slipped off one’s hands.

Imagine going back to your regular life where you spent most of your time for others. You went to those parties just because you could not deny your friends. You had to fake an expression every time on your office when you wished to be at your bed working from home. There was time when you wished your school was off so that finally you could finish reading your ten favorite books or give yourself enough time for everything that required time. You have it now. Do things for yourself instead of crying about things that you cannot change. Because, you can still do most things.

In this era of Internet, one can do anything. Doing is not a compulsion, but one can still give it a try. There are many ways to enjoy and make this lockdown a productive one. There are plenty of ways to have fun. If you cannot read a book, or do not have a habit of sketching, this is because you never tried before and judged your potential beforehand. This is the perfect time to explore your inner self. You do not always have to learn a skill but do things that make you enjoy your time. Do not be scared of your beginner self. Nobody comes out as a professional on their first attempt, but gradually you will be able to picture yourself living your dreams.

The day will not be far when you will thank Quarantine days because you were able to explore your hidden talents or found your start up idea. You have not been able to do it before Quarantine because you had started living more for others and less for yourself. You had prioritized yourself very little. But during this Quarantine, you can go back to your childhood when you had plenty of time for all your favorite things and how you used to put effort to do them. Become that child again. It can be 4 weeks of innovation with positivity instead of 30 days of torture.

Choose wisely, which flower you want to water?

Aleena Rayamajhi

That Voice Inside Your Head!

There is a weird voice inside you that you are using right now to read this text. This voice is calm, and comes despite a sealed mouth. Wow, this voice is so loud and clear, yet nobody can hear it except you. You cannot stop not speaking inside your head. As if there’s another person trapped inside of you, who has this habit of chattering or this person has to be simply the most curious of all.

Where does this voice come from? Like a commentator who does not play but instead makes comments, this voice is simply commenting about you, about everyone it sees, and makes you think harder. Well, is this your great-great-grand parent who is just obsessed with making your life better? Or is this simply you?

You are so used to this inner voice, you never feel lonely. Even if you are doing nothing, this voice does not rest. It keeps on making a conversation and keeps you engaged every time and you do not even notice that because you are completely used to it. The good thing is – the voice’s and your sleeping time always coincides.

Whatever it be, it keeps you in right track unless you let it overrule you. It never lets you be bored, and you feel you are enough for yourself because you are never alone. Have you ever noticed when does this inner voice become helpful and when does it become an irksome?

Whenever you are doing some kind of work, like playing a videogame, or running a marathon, this voice is guiding you. It lets you concentrate, and binds you with what’s happening. But suddenly when you remember there’s a paper you need to work on, the voice asks you to play one last match in the video game. Or, when you are almost about to finish the marathon, it says it cannot run anymore, and you should probably stop.

Even if the voice inside your head is of your great-great grand parent, and the voice is trying to make you a better person, sometimes, your inner voice does not know your strength. When you feel like the inner voice is taking you off track, you need to overrule it instead of letting it overrule you.

When you keep on listening to your inner voice, you stop working. You become so used to it, there’s a term ‘over-thinking’ that’s what happens to you. Well, thinking is good, but over thinking leads to misery. This is the starting phase when you will require pills to simply make that inner voice inside of you to STOP.

Let’s talk about me. When I was doing a bungee jump, for three seconds, right after the fall, my inner voice disappeared. Yep, that was for the first time it happened. It was a weird experience, but that 3 seconds were simply cool. I do not mean that inner voices are dangerous. Everyone has it. Some might have a dominant one, while others might have a submissive one.

You consume weed, or take some kind of drugs, or simply alcohol. This diverts the inner voice inside of you. You feel consuming these have made you overrule your inner voice. You try meditation, do yoga, and find your inner voice focused and following your commands. Well, different people do different things, and the purpose is common, to control the voice inside of you.

No matter what you do, make sure you are on a right track. And, nobody knows your right track better than you yourself.

Aleena Rayamajhi

An Open Letter To Gatsby

Dear Jimmy Gatz,

I’m writing this letter to you because I had so many questions after reading the novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F Scott Fitzgerald where Nick Carraway has mentioned so much about you.

I know your love for Daisy was pure and you thought she was still the same Daisy you left five years back. But didn’t you ever think what happened in her five years of life after you left her? She got married and bore two children.  

It is fine to think she was in love with you and would never fall for another man despite any marriage thing. But dear Gatsby, people change. Especially women, who have been in an emotional swing for five years do change. But for such a pure love like yours, any woman should have been ready to start over. I still find Daisy stupid in this case.

And, what were you thinking when you took the blame of that accident on you? Love should not be blind up to this level. You had struggled for five years so much to earn millions and this fame which vanished in a minute when you let them accuse of something you did not do!

What hurts me the most is when you were shot dead without even getting to explain yourself! Poor lovers, you Gatsby and George Wilson, you two became victim of two failed love.

I would never forgive Tom Buchanan, Daisy & Myrtle. Though Myrtle is dead too, I still would not forgive her. Still, Tom is the greatest villain I would say.

What you could not see Gatsby is the tears on the face of Mr. Gatz on your funeral. He said a lot of good things about you. I liked the way you used to tick off things you finished even on your early life as explained by your father. You were a man with such a great dedication I have to admit. And, you should be proud to have a genuine friend like Nick. As Nick says, you are always The Great Gatsby.

With love,

25 Things To Do Before Turning 25!

You must be somehow near your 25 and checking on what things are ticked off this blog content or if you have exceeded 25, you are here to check on things you have missed, right?

Well, you are inside those four walls right now. You have a pile of works to do. There’s a regular schedule you follow. And, at some point you realize, while trying to build your career or get the best marks in board, you have missed some important things in life.

One should not forget that the time is constantly moving and you are growing older. Some things are to be done on certain time. But it is never too late as said. Before 25, there is an unstable life. Yeah it can last till 30 or even 35. It’s up to you, how you pick your life to be.

Some of us might have a crazy bucket-list thing. And, most of us do not have it. How about giving try to something I’ve come up with below? Well, I’m turning 25 in six months, and I’m writing this with my own experience. This is entirely my opinion and one does not have to actually give it a try. It goes like this:

  1. Earn money / live at your own
  2. Take a course of your choice (music, academic, art, etc.)
  3. Dye your hair / have a makeover and try new look
  4. Go camping / get a tattoo
  5. Attempt one adventurous activity like Bungee jump / Paragliding  (if you do not have Acrophobia)
  6. Go on a solo trip (either bus trip or walking)
  7. Swim or shower in a river / stream
  8. Quit one horrible habit (gambling, smoking, etc.)
  9. Adopt a pet (only if you have enough petting time & can be responsible)
  10. Go on a trip with strangers (road trip)
  11. Celebrate your birthday at orphanage or old age home or animal shelter
  12. Adopt a crazy hobby that you have in your mind (challenge yourself to learn a handstand or do some crazy yoga posture)
  13. Perform on stage (speech, instrument, song, dance, etc.)
  14. Propose your crush or express your genuine feeling for someone (if you are single)
  15. Have an FD plan (fixed deposit plan) or a saving plan with whatever amount of money you have
  16. Go on an unplanned trip (road trip or trekking)
  17. Buy your favorite thing (you rarely buy your favorite things)
  18. Get a license (either scooter, bike, or car)
  19. Learn to cook basic meals at least (time to be independent)
  20. Go to a different city for watching a movie or attending a concert
  21. Learn a new language or a new skill (swimming, martial arts, dance, etc.)
  22. Give a surprise celebration party to your parents (either on their anniversary, birthday, or simply because you want to make them happy)
  23. Join gym or pick a habit that involves exercise and toning your body
  24. Make a personal diary & have a habit of writing (write anything)
  25. Go to a restaurant / theatre alone

Well, how many things have you done from the above list already? Let me know in the comment section below. Everyone does not have same kind of opinion and people have different ideas when it comes to enjoying life. Therefore, it is fine to have your own 25 things you want to do before you are 25. I would be more than happy to know it!

Have a nice time!

Aleena Rayamajhi

I’m Your SOUL, Confessing You Something!

Not everyone is fortunate with everything in life. Some are having economic problems, some are facing health crisis, some cannot bond with their families, some are facing career or academic related problems, some are having mental health issues, and the rest are failing at love. You & I, both know, what your life’s story is. This is because, I’m your soul, and I have witnessed it all. I want to confess something to you, and it goes like this.

I know you are trying your best. You have been compromising all your life for somebody else, your sibling & parents. Looking at you, it does not seem you are weak at any point. But I know you have been struggling all your life. You did not receive enough love growing up. Nobody told you they were proud of you no matter how hard you tried. Most of your efforts were not seen, not appreciated enough. They took your credits, but you let that sink in.

Well, how are you still standing strong? Despite all that life has put you through, you made it to this point. Though you had to forget some of your dreams, and some memories bring all the pain back in your life, you are continuing. You haven’t quitted yet. What surprises me the most is, with all that broken heart, you still can put a smile on your face.

I’ll tell you something right now. Do not let anyone put you down, not even the person who you love the most. Because, everyone except you, is not you and they do not know your part of the story. It is very easy to spit out something harsh, that’s what they have done to you all their life, but they should not matter to you at all. What matters to you is your dreams, and happiness.

People will try to bring you down, but they are not doing it on purpose either. Everyone is hollow inside. They have had a horrible experience too, just like you. That’s all. So, all you are doing from today onwards is forgetting that and moving on. Forget what they did to you and what they told you. Something greater is on your way.

I’m proud of how you managed to face all of your problems without even sharing it with anyone. That has always been your remarkable move. Keep doing that. And, if you ever feel stupid, or failing, it is just a phase. It will pass. Just like that phase in your life when you were shattered and could not decide what to do next. But it passed, right? And, here you are. You made it. Just like that phase, this phase will pass as well.

You need to have faith on yourself. Hard work & dedication is the key. Just work for your dreams. I know you feel very low sometimes and feel like quitting it right away. But I’m fascinated by your actions. You actually never quit, and the next day, you are back to working. That’s the best thing I find about you.

Aleena Rayamajhi