People shall judge you, no matter what!

If you are doing something great in your life, you shall meet two kinds of people. The first kind includes those people who admire you, appreciate you and ultimately copy your styles. The other kind includes those people who judge your each activity, give a harsh response, create rumor to the public and ultimately try to copy your styles but fail.

We live in the society which is ruled by the second kind of people. These people are so powerful that many dreams die every second and the stereotype is formed. The society desires profession like doctors, lawyers and engineers out of the common people. Poets, musicians, artists and businessmen are the people who went against the stereotype, didn’t listen to the people who tried to drag them backwards and won. They have set the example for those who are scared of doing what their heart really wants.

If you know you have chosen the right track, you should not be scared of the mass that tries to distract you. Sometimes the people, who are really close to us, like our parents, want us to forget something that we are good at. They want us to be accepted by the society. But this is wrong. Their minds are narrow. Even they are scared of the society. Everyone is not good at same thing, but everyone is good at something. We should realize that our dreams require our support at first. If we do not support our dreams, no one else shall. But if we stay focused on what we want to achieve someday, then we might be able to break the stereotype and challenge everyone.

There are many people who are tired of trying to be accepted by the society. But our society is brutal. It has set some false barriers among us. There is nothing wrong in doing what the heart wants as long as it doesn’t affect someone. It is also one of the reasons behind many suicide cases. The people who are sick of not being able to be perfect in the society ultimately kill their dreams and sometimes themselves as well.

These people who support the stereotype are unpaid employees. Their task is to drag every creative mind down to the bottom, to their level. They are not good at anything besides this. But you, yes you, you are a good human being. I know you have a creative mind. You are really special. You need to love yourself; only after that your family and friends matter. You can achieve your life goals if you concentrate on your work rather than worrying what people might talk about you. After all, your ultimate goal in life is to be happy, right? You can be happy only when you can be the real you and not the one that society wants you to be. So, please do not listen to the people out there. They lack knowledge. They shall judge you no matter what.

Aleena Rayamajhi


A letter from a 22 to an 18 (self)

Dear Junior,

I have gained a lot more experience already. I’m 22 while you are just 18. We both are fine, I know. You are a bit more worried sometimes than I am right now. We both share same mind, but mine is a bit broader than yours. May be because I have seen little bit more world than you have.

I’m writing this letter to you so that you can calm yourself. Life is going exactly as we had planned and I’m trying my best to take it the way we wanted while we were still teen. But do you know something Aleena, I kind of don’t care even if we do not go as planned because things are different now.

You wanted to get into engineering so badly right? Guess what? It is almost time for me to pass the engineering. After few months I shall be a bachelor graduate. And you might be worrying about getting into engineering, right? Don’t worry; you shall get the scholarship that you have been wishing from school days.

You have always been a stubborn teen, Aleena. A notorious kid and a stubborn teen, yeah that is you. But you shall be a sensitive and a responsible adult soon. You have been racing with time. Your schedule was tight. But, you managed to achieve as much as you could.

I honestly admit that, I have no regrets on your decisions yet. I’m proud of you. The greatest decision you made in your late teen was turning into vegetarian. You never let me down. You are always worried about your next decisions while you act cool. You are unpredictable, Aleena. Only I can predict you, at least now.

Your life shall be changing soon after you get admission to your Engineering College. You shall be a free bird soon. You will see things that will surprise you and challenge you. Remain strong; I know you can handle it. You shall travel a lot and make new friends. In these four years, you shall learn to make up, you shall walk in heels. Surprised? Well, I surely am not lying. You shall wear sarees and kurtas too. Don’t worry, prettier than we both can imagine.

You shall not be scared to participate in lot of stuffs and win at some. Your love for animals shall increase. You shall earn money for your living too. Good news, right? You shall save a lot of money and invest it on homeless and helpless as well.

Aleena, you shall buy the best present for your mum with your first salary soon. Sounds cool, right? You shall receive Guitar as a gift from dad. Yes, he is our superhero. Your sister will be married in two years and you shall get the coolest brother-in-law. You have a lot to enjoy in four years.

You shall learn to cook food. You shall eat every vegetable that you hated once. You shall lose your bad habits and adopt some good ones. Are you happy to go through the letter, dear? So stop worrying and enjoy your last days of teen. Enjoy your innocence.

You will be meeting a lot of people in your four years to come. Some shall teach you great life lessons. Some shall be your angels and stick with you always. You shall find family outside family. You shall make some mistakes, but that’s okay.

Dear, please control your appetite. You shall gain a lot of weight. And even going to gym shall not be the solution. Else, everything is fine here. The early adulthood is a surprise despite of revealing this much already. I want some incidents to surprise you with time. Good luck girl, you have a lot to be joyful about.

Your passion for writing shall increase. Keep on writing and please do find out time for the people you love and yes, yourself.


Her First Period

“Hide those legs. You are a woman to be.” said my Aunt as I was wearing my old little frock. She always scolds me for such unnecessary things. I don’t like when she visits us. But well, my mother doesn’t scold me for anything. I’m really fortunate that my mother went against the society and still allows me to go to school while Sweta and Rashmi have already stopped going to school. My brother and I both go to school together. I love studying. After returning from school, my brother goes to play while I have to start preparing dinner. After cooking for all and washing dishes, I still find time for books. I feel sad for my friends as their parents are less supportive than mine. Hi, I’m Sahara. I study at class 6. I have a family of four including brother, mother, father and me. We live in this village here at Morang, it is called Rangeli.

Today my parents are not at home. They have gone to a marriage ceremony at my neighbors’. So, I have to look after cattle. My brother has gone to school. I’m home alone. I don’t feel like washing these clothes. I can cook Pudding out of remaining rice from yesterday’s dinner and milk that I collected from our old cow Mohini. It must be the best day of my life so far. Perhaps I can take a quick nap too. I’m exhausted.

“What have you done?” I wake up from my nap as I could hear my mother scream and find out blood on my bed sheet. I was bleeding, but I had no idea about that. She spits on my face out of nowhere and drags me down the bed. “You are impure already, do not enter the house. Go stay with Mohini. The gods are angry with you.” I cry out loud. I have no idea what has been happening. Why am I bleeding? Why am I treated like this? I had never seen this side of mother. I carry my pillow and blanket and make my bed near Mohini. Oh it must be that time of the month when mother stays with cows and I have to do her works too. Once we had a class about Menstruation Hygiene. It must be this. I should have paid attention in that class. I cannot stop this blood. I’m scared. My uterus feels like thrones. Am I about to die now?

“Take this. Put it there.” My mother hands me some old pieces of clothes. “Clean yourself. Your brother and father might be here by now. Do not show your face to them. And do not come outside. It is your first bleed. You shouldn’t see the sun for 15 days. I shall bring you everything that you require.” I bow my head as I hear her words. All I require right now is your love, mother. But all I’m getting is to hear your harsh words. It broke my heart. How can I stay here for 15 more days? This place smells like dung and there are so many flies hovering around me. “Every woman has to go through this; it is a part of woman’s life. Don’t cry like a child, you are a woman now.” I can see her leave. If being a woman is this horrible, I don’t want to be one. I wish I were a boy…
It is getting dark. I have never stayed away from mother. I can hear my brother’s laugh from inside the warm house. How happy he seems, while I’m here in this dark and cold place with weird noises. I have always been scared of blood. But today, it has been the part of me. It flows and I cannot do anything about it. My body feels so weak. I wish to be around my mother’s arm, where I could forget every pain and sleep in peace. Dear mother, why have you gone so violent? Did you forget I’m your daughter after all?

“Wake up. Go take a bath and wear these.” My mother hands me some clothes and food. So it seems I have completed one day at this cowshed. Oh, I have so many rashes in my arms and face. It must be because of the mosquito’s bites. “Mother, when shall I stop bleeding?” I asked my mother. “Probably six to seven days.” This gave me Goosebumps. Will I be able to live by bleeding for seven days? Well, I should stay here for a while as mother is nowhere around. I can smell fresh air at least. “What wrong had I done in my past life that I have a sight of an impure girl?”My father screams. I should not have been here. He saw me. Now he will have a bad day. “I told you to stay in the cowshed. Why are you still out?” I run into the cowshed while my mother scolds me. It seems even my father has stopped loving me. What have I done wrong? I don’t want to be a daughter anymore. Can’t I be a son, please?

It has been few days already. I’m used to all these bitter words towards me. My brother hasn’t come to visit me even once. I miss him. I miss school and friends. I’m so weak and tired. I think I need to sleep now. I shall clean this blood tomorrow. After all, cleaning blood wouldn’t make this place good enough to live in. What is this thing crawling towards me? Is that snake? “Mother, help me. There’s a snake.” “Help, Mother.”

“Where am I?” I can see my father, mother and brother around me along with two nurses. “You have been bitten by a snake. You are fortunate enough to be alive.” said one of the nurses. My mother grabs me in her arms. She is shedding tears in distress. I had been missing this kind of love. I can hear my father and brother crying too. So it all required a snake to bite me to get all the love? Why wasn’t I bitten before? I am ready to be bitten each day if I can get my mother’s arm around me.

“You have a vaginal infection too.” said the other nurse. “Take care of yourself. You need to stay clean. Eat enough and keep yourself warm.” It seems I have stopped bleeding from there. My menstruation week has ended. Well, it has been bleeding from my leg now because of the snake bite. But, snake bites are wonderful, they provide you pain in your body but bring your loved ones around you that can heal all kind of other pains. But vaginal bleeding are harsh, they provide pain in the body as well as they take away all the loving people from you. “I should have never let you be there in the cowshed.” my mother speaks with tears in her eyes.

I’m home now. I have been in my room after a long time. My mother says, I shall be kept in my room even during my menstruation days from now on but she says I still will have to follow some rituals. I have always wanted to be a son from my birth. But I know this is not going to happen. Even though, I’m not born as a boy, I have another wish from gods. I want to have a girl child someday when I’m married. I shall treat my daughter in the best possible way. I shall nourish her during her first menstruation. I shall sleep near her in the same bed. I shall put her in my arms unless she falls asleep. I shall provide her with nutritious foods. I shall teach her to keep herself clean and to stay away from infections. I shall provide her all the love she needs that I lacked once. I shall go against my husband, society and everyone who would point a finger at us. I shall abolish this immoral tradition at least in my home someday.

‘This is an imaginary story. But we know there are plenty of girls and women like Sahara who have been treated in this way or may be worse. We should be brave enough to abolish this cruel tradition from our society. A mother plays the best role to abolish it. No mother would wish her daughter to have such treatment but she might be scared of the husband or the society. Stand up against Menstruation rituals and help every mother to let her daughter have best treatment during that time of a month.’

Aleena Rayamajhi

Are you happy?

You can die tomorrow while walking on street or even while sleeping on your bed. Life is so unpredictable, right? Do you regret if you were to die tomorrow? Do you have any unfulfilled dream? I don’t mean the big dreams that you wish to achieve in 10 years. I mean the little dreams that you can achieve today, right now.

“I want to thank my parents.”

“I want to learn Piano.”

“I want to go to pub.”

“I want to taste wine.”

“If only I could meet her.”

There can be several small wishes like these. Every human being has enough time and money for all the little dreams they have. It requires guts to fulfill it. Why not make a list of all the possible dreams that you wish everyday and make a little commitment toward fulfilling it? Happiness is not in watching series or movies or reading books all the time. Happiness is beyond that. Happiness lies in discoveries.

Go outside the house and thank every little creature that makes you feel blessed. Dance every time you hear the loud music. Make new friends and listen to their stories and struggles. Buy bread for homeless. Wave hand to strangers. Pass on smiles to elderly people and kids. Play with animals. Never waste food. Keep your body healthy. Love yourself. Earn money so that you can spend it on things that provide you happiness. Engage yourself with new and creative things. Whatever you do, do it with all your heart and efforts. Utilize your time properly.

If you love a bunch of people, tell them. Find out time for people you love. Talk to them more often. Appreciate little acts and efforts anyone makes for you. Talk to your parents on every alternate day. Tell that you miss them. Never stay empty. Occupy yourself with something you love. Don’t consider age. You are young as long as you desire to do something worth. People around you play a valuable role to determine either you are happy or sad. Why not surround yourself with people who ignite you to be cheerful and ask you to attempt new and creative stuffs? If you do not find one, you can be one.

Let’s live in present. Let us assume that we are here only today. We should value ourselves. Why cry for something that is not with us anymore. Why love someone who doesn’t love us back? You are capable of doing anything at your own. Be farsighted. Live your life to build yourself. After you are built, then only you can shelter others. You should be your priority number one. Be brave and do not fear if you are doing right. If you are not happy, you are living in a wrong way

Are you happy?
Aleena Rayamajhi


Being Nepalese?

When we have enthusiasm and energy, we lack money. I’m not talking about those who have rich parents, but I’m talking about the majority who come from middle class families in Nepal. The age group between 16 and 22 is a critical group of youths who have a capacity to do a lot but all they lack is economic help and guidance. Why do our youths do not earn money of their own?

Nepalese people have a lot of expectations from their children. Nepalese parents believe that, no matter how hard their youth days were, their elderly days shall be golden if their children receive good education and lifestyle. Hence, Nepalese parents restrict good life for themselves and provide best to their children.

The scenario of my country is unique. People here require a plenty of money to feed plenty of unnecessary people just to complete their marriage function. People need loans to celebrate different festivals where they can eat fancy and wear fancy. Who are they doing this for? Why do Nepalese fake something that they are not?

Nepalese people have a joint family in majority. The family of six to eight is fed by a single person’s income. Some of the women are learned and empowered but still when it comes to working and earning they prefer staying home. A son or daughter of age 20 is roaming around, calls him/her “student” and spends father’s income. Why are European countries forward? Every members in their family earns, may be through skills or through own business. We are embarrassed of doing jobs of waiter and carpenter, we are embarrassed of earning little money per month but we are not embarrassed of feeding ourselves on a single person’s income throughout life.

Everything requires money. Why not start from a small work like part time work and save money for dream business? If we reach to the state where we are rich and earned a lot of respect in the society, who shall be pointing to our rough past? Nobody shall. If we have a rough present, we can work on it and brighten our future. But, if we just complain about having a broken time, we shall not rise. The thing we need to realize is, we should live for ourselves and not for others. So, if money is the problem, it is not a problem at all. We need to stop pleasing others and focus on building ourselves.

Nepalese people are rich in terms of pride and bravery, but we need to be economically rich too. For that, we need to accept our failures and what is dragging us behind. If we can do any jobs in foreign countries, then why not in our own country? Why to be ashamed of earning money? We need to broaden our minds and follow our dreams. May be the first few years shall be hard, but the remaining shall be wonderful.

*Aleena Rayamajhi (1/22/2018)


What is home? It is the place where you can be the real you. No drama at all. Home is where your family is. The home is incomplete without family. Family is a bunch of happiness. Happiness is home. Happiness is coming back to home after long time. You come to home to heal yourself from all the pain and trouble you face in your struggling life. Home is heaven on earth. You cannot be finer somewhere else. It has to be home; your favorite place to chill and relax and heal.

Everybody loves being at home. But not true. You only realize the importance of something when it is snatched right away from your hand. The ones who have stayed away from home for long time realize how important a home is and how important is the family. Home is heaven for the people who have been working or studying abroad or away in a crowded city. They know the importance of the warmth of the home that keeps them away from cold. Home is never small. It is always big enough to cover your soul tightly around its arms. Home is a mother and yes mother is the heart of the home. She is the angel who makes home the heaven. Don’t forget the other members. Everybody is equally important but I’ll always give a point more to mother of course. Mother is the binder, a mediator and the Queen Bee.

Home is a really pleasant place to be at. When you come back to home after long time at your vacations you realize how safe you are. You can have a tight sleep and you don’t have to worry about robbers because you know your dad will protect you. You never forget to take your medicines in time because everybody’s job is to remind you that. Your head is always covered with woolen cap and your toes with socks during winter because your mum irritates you until you put them on. Your pets go crazy when you play with them, they have missed you a lot it seems. You always wake up and find a surprise breakfast that your dad brings you after he returns from morning walk. You never go to bed without drinking hot cup of milk and if it is my mum, there is a pinch of Beshaar in it so that I’m away from cold. Your sister always hands you some money that she saves from job or dad. You always get to eat the big piece of food because you are not going to stay at home for long this week. You will be packed with different varieties of food for months when your time has come to leave the home again. Your pets leave you to door with that crying face and a question of “when you are going to return back..?”
I really love being at home. I always wanted to be away from family when I was small. To be honest, I wanted to experience time away from home and family. I’m already away now. I’m away for four years and my second year is running. I’m not that far. I’m only 1.5 hours far if traveled in a bus. But since I get to meet my family like once in a month and sometimes even late, I feel I’m really far from them. But it is okay. I love visiting them once in a month. I spend all my time with mother and pets. I wait all day for my sister to come back from her job so that we can talk all night until we’re asleep. I love helping dad with his work and buy grocery stuffs with him. Whenever I go home these days, I make sure, nobody is unhappy there. I help mum with cooking and prepare Tiffin for my sister. I don’t act cool but responsible. I appreciate all the little things that they confess me. I’m not all the time with my family but when I’m with them I make sure I make them happy. I think I have changed with time. Even my mum says I’m not me. But I’m better me.

You should always try to make people around you happy and when the people are your family, it is a plus point. Family comes first because the entire world can stand against you but at the end it is only your family who will still be there, at your side, even if you are wrong. It is not your friend who raised you or who was there at night next to you during your SLC finals, it is your mum. It is not your boy friend who paid your school and plus two bills, it is your dad. It is not your relatives who took you to hospital at midnight when you suffered from pneumonia, it is your family. So why to give priority to others? Friends and relatives are second person, first person is family. When you understand your love and respect for your family, you are sure to be successful and happy forever.

*Aleena Rayamajhi
11:16 PM

Positive Earthquake Consequences

We all know about the recent earthquake in Nepal. It was really dangerous as it took lives of many people and animals. It swept away the buildings, monuments, historical sites of different parts of Nepal such as Gorkha, Bagmati, Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Sindhupalchowk and many more. Being a Nepali citizen myself and also one of the victims of this dreadful earthquake I’m not here to express sorrow. I’m here just to share the positive side of this earthquake.

People all over the world are aware of the earthquake in Nepal. All the social sites are filled with prayers for my country and my people. Our country is not a popular country; many people don’t know about it at some corner of the world. But due to this natural disaster people know that the country with Mount Everest is in danger and we need to help it. I know at such a disastrous moment I shouldn’t be cherishing my joys for something small but I can’t help myself not to cherish the joys I find these days. All the TV news is showing the consequences of earthquake all over my country, but they are missing the good side of this earthquake. They are just frightening people who are already scared as hell and more. We have discovered everything and we have challenged all the difficult problems but we still cannot predict earthquake. So there is no point in spreading rumors about earthquake. Let’s see the good side, aye? Remember all the youngsters who enjoyed late night parties, camp fire, and discos? Today they are at different villages at Sindhupalchowk and Gorkha. Yes, in order to distribute the goods the victims are in need of. Those youths who surf internet all day and night are spreading the news of earthquake and helping out everyone.They have realized that, it is not time to pray for Nepal but to work for it. There are many countries that are helping us with money and manpower. Humanity had come to an end and now again we have hopes for humanity. Due to this natural disaster, again people are uniting, their hearts are uniting. Today all the people are under the same roof, either they are Brahmins or Dalits, they are not hesitated to share the only roof that is left in the village because they both want to live. Today both the rich and the poor are feeding on same loaf of bread, because both of them have hungry stomachs. May be Mother Nature is playing trick; she wants all her children to be united again so she caused Earthquake. Many people lost their house, money, health and relatives, but they haven’t lost their dignity. Our Dharara has fallen, but we can build ten of such Dharara if our hopes are high. We are great Gorkhalis, we have never surrendered and we never will. Instead of being frightened, we should be brave. Everyone is sure to die someday, may be some die early and some die late. So why do we fear of our deaths? You might be thinking , “It is easy to say as you haven’t lost your child or your house”. But Madam, I’m just trying to lower the pain of the people who have lost somebody. Crying over something that’s gone is worthless. We should live for someone who is still there, still alive. We should do the best that we can. It is better to die while helping somebody than to die coward. So, why not just see the positive side of this beautiful earthquake. It came for a reason. We will build a new and better Nepal. We have gained a lot more power from this earthquake, earthquake left us with unity and much love. Thank you Earthquake.

Gadhimai – The Animal Cruelty Festival of Nepal

Gadhimai festival is a sacrificial ceremony that is held every 5 years at the Gadhimai Temple of Bariyarpur, in Bara District, Nepal. It is primarily celebrated by the Madheshi and Bihari people. The event involves the large scale sacrificial slaughter of animals including water buffaloes, pigs, goats, chickens, and pigeons – with the goal of pleasing Gadhimai, the goddess of power. It is estimated that 500,000 animals were sacrificed during the Gadhimai festival of 2009. Are you serious? Where are all the animal rights activists?

My blog is not for providing information about Gadhimai Festival. We can find several articles about it on web. I really found those articles depressing. The festival is for impressing goddess they say. And they also say the goddess favor peace and love. How can someone get peace by slaughtering animals? And I would like to add that the festival is actually not attended by Nepalese but 80% are the people from Indian states like Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. The rest 20% are Madhesi people of our country.

At this statement I find little joy, at least not Nepalese people are into this cruel crime because these are Indian people who are favoring the festival. Yes, I would call it a crime. But the arena is ours. The festival is celebrated at our place. How poor we could have been?

 A month before the ritual in 2009, the Madheshi politicians realized there would be a “severe shortage” of goats for the ritual sacrifice, as well as for the consumption of goat meat during the festival. They began a radio campaign urging farmers to sell their animals. So Nepalese people have one benefit after all, i.e. they can sell their animals to those foreign devotees.

After the festival, the meat, bones and hides of the animals are sold to companies in India and Nepal. But this is illegal. Why do we allow foreign people to sacrifice animals in the birth place of Buddha, who introduced and encouraged peace to entire world? The entire world knows about this festival and they are building the concept that the Nepalese are cruel and stone-hearted.

I’ve so many questions unanswered. I want reasons and opinions. The festival has prompted numerous protests by animal rights activists and Nepalese Hindus from Hill region. Well done people. In 2009 activists made several attempts to stop the ritual, including Brigitte Bardot and Maneka Gandhi, who wrote to the Nepalese government asking them to stop the killings. A government official commented that they would not “interfere in the centuries-old tradition of the Madheshi people.”

Ram Bahadur Bomjon, claimed by some of his supporters to be the reincarnation of the Buddha, said that he would attempt to stop the sacrifice at the festival, preaching non-violence and offering a blessing at the place. I’m sure the festival will come to an end someday and the mothers after some years will tell their children, the bed time story about the horrifying Gadhimai Festival and how some brave warriors brought it to an end.

Actually, cutting a goat or a buffalo is same. Cutting 500 goats in Dashain or cutting 500,000 buffaloes in Gadhimai is similar after all. This is not just a major issue in Nepal. There are plenty of festivals worldwide where mass killing of animals either in the name of gods or food take place.

If we look into our neighboring country China, there is a festival celebrated annually in Yulin, Guangxi in June where people eat dog meat and lychees. More than 10,000 dogs were killed and consumed earlier which decreased to 1000 in 2015.

Why talk about festivals or ceremonies when the farm houses are killing millions of animals everyday just for the sake of food. There are several crimes committed by people by violating animals’ right.

If you feed on meat yourself, or sacrifice a goat during Dashain, and yet are against Gadhimai, you are a fool. A festival as deadly as Gadhimai can only be stopped when people are against any kind of animal cruelty.

Aleena Rayamajhi

Live Life to the Fullest :)

You wanted to smoke but you suppressed it. You wanted to drink at your friend’s birthday but you remembered you are a good person and you denied.

You wanted to be a photographer or model or spy or have your own business as your career but you were not ready to take a risk and had a fear of earning no money so you ended up in a boring regular office job. You attended less parties and functions because you saved it for future when you believed to have zero tension. You wanted to dance like crazy but you had a fear of being looked at badly. You wanted to have a tattoo but again you wanted to be accepted by your society. You wanted to travel world but you left it for your future. You wanted a new phone but you were okay with the old one since you saved money for you future.

Now you are in your future. You have a cancer even though you never touched a cigarette, can’t you have it? You have enough money to buy new phone or any other gadget but suddenly you have no interest in new gadgets. You have a boring job that gives you money each month but doesn’t fulfill your interests. You have enough money for new clothes but you can’t wear new clothes to go nowhere! Your body doesn’t support any tattoo and you have no energy to attend parties and of course nobody invites an old person in a party either.

All you have is regrets. You are sitting in that furniture complaining about youngsters, who party all night, tattoo their parts, buy new gadgets and drink alcohol. Yes, you wanted to do that at some part of your life but since you couldn’t have it, you complain. You are actually jealous of their cool lifestyle and energy. And you are the one to backbite and discourage young ones to enjoy their life to the fullest.

Life is once, live it to the fullest. Go crazy, dance like an idiot. Do stupid stuffs. Be creative. Discover yourself, so that you have no regrets at the end of the life, so that you shouldn’t beg for new life. But that way you shouldn’t harm anyone. When you are all crazy in your early ages, you’ll be sincere and responsible in your old age. You’ll be a responsible parent with no regrets. You’ll have cool stories to tell on to your kids and friends. When you have all the fun in your early part of life, you will have satisfaction and memories to live on in your adulthood. Enjoy.

*Aleena Rayamajhi (Just a random thought of the day…)